Evolutionists Target Children

by Ken Ham on November 13, 2006
Featured in Answers Update

This traveling “science” exhibit is designed to indoctrinate young children across America in a morally bankrupt faith-based belief system: the evolution of man from non-living matter!

Your tax dollars are “at work”!

Earlier this year,1 the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded a $2.5 million grant to the New York Hall of Science to develop a “Life changes” program in order to “prepare young children (ages 5-12) to understand the scientific basis of evolution.”

The grant application made it clear that this four-year research project will study those evolutionary concepts most likely to resonate with young children. (By the way, NSF's annual budget is over $5.5 billion-virtually all of it comes from your tax dollars.)

Drawing upon educational development psychologists, biologists, and museum personnel, this research project will result in a 1,000-square-foot traveling exhibit. And it will have tie-ins to the University of California-Berkeley's “Understanding Evolution” website (another NSF grant recipient-more of your tax dollars being spent).

This traveling “science” exhibit is designed to indoctrinate young children across America in a morally bankrupt faith-based belief system: the evolution of man from non-living matter! But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Faithful, closed-minded scientists / earnest educators worldwide are preparing myriad such evolutionary indoctrination exhibits and programs to coincide with the 2009 celebration of Charles Darwin's 200th birthday (and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his infamous book, On the Origin of Species). And these exhibits seem to be particularly targeted at young children-they will ardently market the idea of evolution as if it were fact!

Such evolution-based exhibits include:

  • the American Museum of Natural History's 2005 traveling “Darwin” exhibit (advertised as the kickoff to Darwin's 200th birthday)
  • the Field Museum's huge 2006 “Evolving Planet” exhibit in Chicago includes a dinosaur exhibit; organizers acknowledge that this is a “hook” to get children in the door
  • the newly renovated “Human Evolution” exhibit at the Museum of Science in Boston in 2005
  • “Explore Evolution,” a 2005 exhibition at the State Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska, and five other museums (an NSF grant also made these possible)

For all the emphasis on teaching evolution in public schools … for all the tens or possibly even hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on evolution exhibits in museums … for all the evolutionary propaganda being offered through the secular news sources and nature/science TV programs-evolutionists are desperately concerned by the fact that the biblical creation movement continues to make major inroads around the world.

The high priests of the worldwide faith known as “evolution” are so concerned, in fact, that museums are allocating millions of more dollars (much of it your tax dollars) to beef up their evolutionary exhibits. They are on an aggressive crusade-together with most science instructors-to teach children (and adults) that they are descended from animals in a hopeless and purposeless existence.

It's a crusade to “take back our children” and teach them that they are made in the image of God, not the image of an ape.

Biblical Christians/creationists are also on a crusade of sorts. It's a crusade to “take back our children” and teach them that they are made in the image of God, not the image of an ape.

And it's a crusade to teach young people that the infinite God of creation stepped into history to pay the penalty for our sin so we can spend eternity with the Lord in Heaven-and that the Bible's account of history and thus the gospel message itself are true.

We believe that Answers in Genesis, through the many facets of its ministry (including the future museum), has been raised up by the Lord to help parents to do what was done for godly Timothy: that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15, KJV).

And as we've sometimes said to reporters, “You haven't seen anything yet!” Just wait until next spring when AiG's world-class Creation Museum, by the grace of God, is finished and opens its doors to hundreds of thousands of people each year, including children of all ages. We're happy to say that our visitors will see and hear the truth concerning creation and the gospel.


  1. February 15, 2006. See all footnotes


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