Scientists for Creation

There has been much recent discussion about origins, how this world came into being.

Naturalism claims that no God was involved and that everything evolved over long periods of time from some primitive conditions. Alternate views have God as creator. In spite of the evidence presented, no side has an absolute proof. All viewpoints must ultimately rely upon faith and are therefore religious.

The dominant viewpoint in universities and the media promotes evolution over billions of years, to the exclusion of alternatives. The creationist viewpoint that the earth is young, only thousands of years old, after being created directly by God, is now promoted by a seeming minority. It is supported by the teachings of the conservative branches of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. So why do we persist with this young-earth viewpoint?

It is not true that creationists cannot be scientists.

Modern science, developed in the western culture, initially taught that a rational God created all things relatively recently in an orderly manner and that mankind could study the creation and benefit thereby. Yet today many evolutionists claim that creationists cannot be scientists. The books “Men of Science, Men of God” and “21 Great Scientists Who Believed the Bible” show the strong religious beliefs of many of the founding fathers of our modern science, including post-Darwin scientists. Every quarterly issue of Creation Magazine interviews a modern scientist who is a leader in his/her field and a creationist. In the first of a growing number of creationist organizations, the voting membership (over 600) of the Creation Research Society ( is required to have post-graduate scientific degrees. So it is not true that creationists cannot be scientists. For many decades our scientists have been documenting evidences for a young earth. Additional Internet sites for our books, tapes, and peer-reviewed technical journals include,, and

A few of the post-Darwin creationists who have benefitted society are Louis Pasteur (health), Gregor Mendel (genetics), G.W. Carver (peanuts), the Wright brothers (flight), Wernher von Braun (trips to moon), and R. V. Damadian (MRI scanner). Dr. J. Baumgardner’s supercomputer model, at Los Alamos National Laboratory, for earth mantle dynamics has been the world’s best for over a decade. Good predictions are the life-blood of science. Dr. R. Humphries, a creationist physicist at Sandia National Laboratory, is the only scientist to correctly predict: 1) the size of the magnetic moments of Uranus and Neptune, 2) that Mars would have no magnetic field but would have remnant magnetism from an ancient field, and 3) that lava flows on earth would be found which captured a magnetic field reversal in the time it took for them to cool.

Good scientists must object to the teaching of speculations as fact, to misrepresentations (such as gluing peppered moths to trees), to fraud (such as Haeckel’s embryo diagram and several supposed hominids), and to unwarranted extrapolations such as frogs (amphibians) turning into people (humans) over millions of years. We must acknowledge observable phenomena such as variation within a type of creature (like dogs) and natural selection (which keeps a species within fixed limits). The Kansas board rightly excluded the speculative evolutionary concepts from state testing while strengthening the teaching of the observable processes.

There is a design complexity so great in life that numerous basic parts must be simultaneously present for an organism to live and function. There is an intelligent language, which we are beginning to learn, within the DNA molecule that indicates the even greater intelligence of a designer. Probabilities for correct protein sequences by random processes are essentially zero. Such topics are addressed in the new book, “In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation”. We still have challenges to explain the data from astronomy (speed of light) and geology (radiometric dating) that indicate vast periods of time, as addressed in my chapter, viewable at

At this time of the year the Christians proclaim that the Creator joined us here on earth in the human form of Jesus Christ. He affirmed the Biblical account of the creation. An important issue for me and many Christians is whether there was death (for people and the “higher” animals) before Adam sinned. Death (physical and spiritual) is the declared penalty for sin. If death is not the penalty for sin, then Jesus died needlessly and the Christian faith is in vain. At Easter we celebrate that this Creator suffered our abuse, died to pay the penalty for our sin, and came back to life again to offer us eternal life with himself.


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