Feedback: Creationist Students

by Darius Viet and Karin Viet on November 18, 2011

How can you study science at the collegiate level and still maintain a secure grip on your Christian beliefs, even under the evolutionists’ stronghold?


I am in a bit of a dilemma. I will be a college student soon and would love to major in science but I am terrified of stigma or rejection from the Darwinist camp that has contemporary education in a choke hold. I know in my heart that long ages is not compatible with the Bible. I would appreciate any advice that could be spared on how I could maintain a secure grip on my Christian beliefs and at the same time still study science at the collegiate level; even under the Evolutionists’ stronghold. Again, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks guys, and keep up the good work for the Kingdom.

Thank you for contacting AiG. We’re thankful you want to honor God while exploring His creation through science.

First, have you considered a Christian college? While even many Christian colleges have compromised with the world’s opinion of long ages, a few, like the ones listed on our website, hold to biblical creation. At a school like Liberty University, you could study science from a biblical perspective and even earn a Creation Studies minor. With scholarships or distance learning, a Christian education may be more affordable than many think. However, depending on your goals and field of study, a secular university could be your only choice. If so, you can prepare yourself to meet the challenge like the biblical Daniel did in the pagan Babylonian education system.

The Bible must be your foundation, your ultimate authority (2 Timothy 3:16–17). If you cannot trust and defend the Bible as God’s inspired and infallible Word, you will be taken captive by the fallible opinions of men (Colossians 2:3–10). You’re right that the idea of long ages isn’t compatible with the Bible. Study the Bible, accurately interpreting its truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Your personal study and devotions should not be divorced from your involvement at a local church (Hebrews 10:25). There, you can grow through worship, fellowship, learning, and service, fanning the flame of your love for the Lord.

Through your biblical worldview, filter everything you learn. When you hear evolutionary “facts,” conduct some research of your own. A search on the AiG website will turn up many creationist articles about topics like the age of the earth, “vestigial” organs, and natural selection. Be ready if challenged to show how the evolutionary worldview cannot account for science, morality, and logic, but the biblical worldview provides a perfect foundation for them. For example, scientists make observations and conclusions based on the uniformity of nature—that the processes in place like gravity will not arbitrarily change. A random chance universe cannot explain the consistent laws of nature. With your biblical worldview, however, you can explain that the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Creator designed the universe and upholds it, which is why physical processes are consistent regardless of time and space (Genesis 8:22; Jeremiah 33:25; Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3).

Don’t be surprised if biblical creation is maligned. While you should be ready with a defense of your faith, realize that people will often reject the answers and you because they have rejected God (1 Peter 3:14–17). Since our Lord faced mocking and persecution, we should expect the same (Matthew 10:25). Rather than being terrified of opposition at a secular school, go in expecting and welcoming the stigma (2 Timothy 1:7–8, 3:12–15; Matthew 5:11–12).

However, being a courageous creationist doesn’t mean you should be confrontational or contentious. In his helpful article, Surviving Secular College, Dr. Jason Lisle warned students against making waves in the science classroom.

Many students come to the classroom with the noble, but misguided, sentiment: “I’m going to convert all my evolutionist professors into creationists.” First of all, it’s not within our ability to convert people (1 Corinthians 3:6–7). That is the prerogative of the Holy Spirit. Our job is to sanctify Christ as Lord and always be ready to respectfully give a defense of the faith to anyone who asks (1 Peter 3:15). For the most part, professors are not going to ask; they are not interested in the opinions of their students. Sharing biblical creation with them would be like casting “pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6; Proverbs 23:9). The Bible instructs us to avoid foolish disputes (Titus 3:9).1

Still, you can be ready for opportunities to share biblical creation, perhaps in a conversation with a classmate. Avoid arguments, realizing that people not only need to bow to Jesus as Creator but also as the Savior and Lord.

According to Laura, a chemistry student at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri, the subject of evolution may come up less often than you might think. She said that “evolution was not stressed much in class at all. Even my professor’s two or three lectures on evolution and natural selection were not overbearingly dogmatic.” However, she said, “it can be easy to fall into thinking that your professors are so knowledgeable and have had so much education, they must be right, even though they are not basing what they say on the infallible Word of God. Share your struggle with someone who is able to bring you back to Scripture and help you look at everything through that lens.”

If you are a child of God, He has provided everything you need to live for Christ, even as you study science (2 Peter 1:3–4). His Word, the Bible, will guide you.

Darius and Karin Viet

P.S. AiG is running a series of web articles specifically directed to creationist students.


  1. Dr. Jason Lisle, “Surviving Secular College,” August 11, 2009, See all footnotes


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