Arsenic contaminates water around the world. How’d it get here?
Wherever you are, you’re probably surrounded by some common manmade composites
The master Engineer provided all the parts for plastics, long before the modern Plastic Age began.
PDF DownloadA study of the roles that metals play in life shows that each has been uniquely designed by a wise Creator.
hough carbon dioxide constitutes a minor part of the atmosphere, life, as we know it, could not exist without it.
Whereas carbon may be viewed as a LEGO® piece, carbon-based compounds are the whole LEGO® set.
Water, the most abundant compound on earth, has many properties that make it truly remarkable especially in regard to making earth habitable and life possible.
When we see Scripture refer to “invisible things” as being evidence for our Creator, do we often think of chemistry?
Every student in US public schools will likely come across pictures of the famous Miller-Urey experiment of 1953.
We’ve always heard that oil and water don’t mix, but sometimes water and water don’t mix.
Evolutionists hope the first chiral molecule discovered in interstellar space will shed light on the mystery of how life evolved its biochemical handedness.
Did caffeine evolve again and again or did our Common Designer provide many plants with the genes to make it?
What makes bones so strong? If they were made out of minerals alone, they would be too brittle and break.
Evolutionary scientists suggest a simple chemical candidate to carry genetic information in the earliest life forms.
Molecular magic still requires a “magician.”
Bizarre bravery in rats explained . . . with serious implications for the human brain.
Organic chemistry lab in a meteorite sparks speculation about the origin of life.
The complexity of life continues to astound even the most skeptical scientist. Dr. Georgia Purdom looks at recent discoveries that reveal God’s handiwork.
A meteorite that landed in Canada supposedly holds a clue to the origin of life: record levels of formic acid, a substance rich in carbon.
The amazing story of how scientists struggled for years to duplicate an important bit of chemistry.
Newspapers across the United States carried headlines similar to that of The Cincinnati Post: “Key Ingredients for Life Found in Universe,” with the byline “Chemistry Happens Around Distant Stars.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.