Save on Answers Education Online Apologetics Courses

by Ken Ham on May 16, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

With the school year drawing to a close, many homeschool parents are busy planning their curriculum for the 2018/2019 school year before summer begins. As you make your plans, I want to share a valuable resource for high school students or anyone who wants to grow in their knowledge of apologetics—our online courses! These courses provide unique, powerful creation-apologetics training not available anywhere else.

Answers Education Online brings some of the best AiG resources home to your computer through reading assignments, videos, and discussion forums with instructors and other students. These self-paced courses are designed to equip you to defend your faith and stand strong on the authority of God’s Word.

Our courses have been recently updated and designed with a wide audience in mind: homeschoolers looking to fill a Bible or social studies credit; public school students wanting to enter the new year with answers for their friends and teachers; Sunday school teachers and Christian school instructors seeking answers for their students; moms wanting to engage with their kids; believers longing to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word, and so on. It’s a diverse group of people from all over the world taking these courses.

We currently offer four courses: our Foundations in Creation Apologetics and then three specialty courses, Creation Apologetics and Astronomy, Creation Apologetics and Biology, and Creation Apologetics and Geology. A new course, Creation Apologetics and the Bible, is coming soon.

Roger Patterson, who has been involved with Answers Education Online for 12 years, shares with our social media team about these courses:

Enroll yourself or your student today and save 20% in any of our online courses by using code AEO2018 (this savings expires May 31, 2018).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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