“Absolutely Amazed” at Answers in Genesis Website

by Ken Ham on December 21, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We love receiving emails and letters from people who have been blessed by the ministry of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the new Ark Encounter. We’re encouraged to hear how God is using us to reach people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Recently we received this email from a young lady who has been blessed by our ministry. I thought I would share it with you:

I am 18 years old, a senior in high school, and am participating in dual enrollment at [a state university].

This semester, I am taking Geology 101 on campus. As you know, this course focuses on many . . . subjects such as evolution, natural selection, homologous structures, fossils that “prove evolution,” and claims that the earth is billions of years old, etc.

As I have progressed through the class, more and more questions have weighed on my mind relating to the issues stated above. I am a Christian, and I absolutely believe in God’s Creation; but the questions that I had related to the scientific “evidence” that was being presented (which I knew was being interpreted and presented incorrectly). I wanted some reinforcement and real biblical explanations, so I went straight to your website and I was absolutely amazed!

As I read through the wonderfully explained answers, basically all of the “evidence” that was presented in class was specifically referred to and biblically explained! This “evidence” that I had questions about included:

And then I went to your website and every single issue was specifically addressed and biblically explained! What are the chances that the exact examples presented in my class would be specifically addressed on your website? How blessed I am to have had all of my specific questions answered and explained according to God’s Word.

In conclusion, thank you so much for all of your efforts to explain God’s truth in relation to the world’s answers. The Lord’s truth is so refreshing and uplifting in this day and time, and your guidance is a blessing for all those who find it.

The information that I have obtained through this website and the other DVDs and readings has encouraged me to rejoice more in God’s truth. I am praying that the Lord will continue to bless you with the strength and courage to continue to stand up for His Word.

P.S. My home school group is planning a trip to see the ark soon! We can’t wait!

We are thankful that young people like her are being encouraged and strengthened by the biblically based answers we provide on our site. We have invested a lot of staff time and resources in providing such a cutting-edge (and award-winning) website.

This next generation faces an onslaught of anti-God secular teaching, and they need to be equipped to stand boldly on the authority of God’s Word from the very beginning. If you would like to partner with us in equipping the next generation with solid answers, visit AnswersInGenesis.org/donate.

Thanks to generous supportors, if you give before the end of the year, your donation will be matched 100 percent up to $1 million.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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