TBN to Promote Genesis Compromise and Undermine Biblical Authority

by Ken Ham on July 8, 2009

Many of you will be familiar with the organization Reasons to Believe, headed up by Dr. Hugh Ross. Hugh Ross is known in Christian circles for compromising secular ideas, such as the big bang, billions of years, etc., with the Bible and reinterpreting the clear language of Genesis. He is one of the leading compromisers in the church today—sadly popularizing beliefs that undermine the authority of Scripture.

In the past, the largest Christian television network in the world, TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), has featured Dr. Ross giving several presentations. Later this month, TBN will air a docu-drama called Dual Revelation. Hugh Ross speaks of dual revelation meaning that one needs to take secular interpretations such as billions of years and the Big Bang and add them to the written revelation, Scripture.

From the trailer, this docu-drama seems to involve (at one stage) a child asking her father a question about dinosaurs. Knowing what Hugh Ross believes about dinosaurs (basically the same as what the secular world teaches, that they died out 65 million years ago and well before the first humans), it is distressing to see how a worldwide television network that purports to be Christian and Bible-upholding will be airing this documentary that appears to be telling people if they don’t tell their children to believe what secular scientists are teaching, the children will walk away from the Christian faith.

However, the opposite is true. Such compromise that comes from Hugh Ross and his organization is what leads young people to walk away from the church. Our research reported on in the book Already Gone makes this very clear indeed.

Others featured in this Dual Revelation docu-drama include Dr. Walt Kaiser—the theologian who debated Dr. Jason Lisle and me on the John Ankerberg television program. If you have never seen this debate and would like to know what compromisers like Hugh Ross and Walt Kaiser teach, then I encourage you to obtain the entire set (which has extra audio sections from Dr. Terry Mortenson answering some of the attacks on Scripture by these two men that we had no time to answer on the program). You can obtain this set entitled The Great Debate from AiG’s online bookstore.

You can find out more about the Dual Revelation video at this link.

You can find out about TBN showing this movie here.

Refuting the Ross Version of “Dual Revelation”

In chapter four of the book Coming to Grips with Genesis (edited by Dr. Terry Mortenson and Dr. Thane H. Ury and available from the AiG online bookstore), Dr. Richard Mayhue biblically demolishes Hugh Ross’s dual-revelation (“nature-is-the-67th-book-of-the-Bible”) view.

What Hugh Ross really means by the “67th book of the Bible” is taking man’s fallible interpretation of the universe (big bang, billions of years, etc.) and reinterpreting Genesis to fit with this. Equating the God-breathed (inspired) infallible written Word of God, with man’s fallible interpretation of nature is shocking compromise that attacks biblical authority.

Magazines Struggling

In this economic downturn environment, we have noticed both secular and Christian magazines struggling and stopping production. For instance, we received a letter this week from Discipleship Journal (from the Navigators ministry) saying that after 28 years they will cease publication with the May/June 2009 issue. There will be no digital or online version, but all archives will be freely available online. The only reason stated was:
Please know that his decision was a difficult one for NavPress and The Navigators, our parent organizations, but the challenges of today’s economy and the changing publishing climate combined to make it impossible to continue publication.
Last year Christian History & Biography ceased publication after 99 issues (from Christianity Today). A couple of other lesser-known Christian publications that we received also ceased publication in the past year.

We do give praise, though, that AiG’s Answers magazine is holding its own—and we pray the Lord will enable this vital magazine to continue to grow as it has done with nearly 70,000 subscribers. In fact, we have just released our new digital version, which should make it much easier for people in other countries to subscribe.

If you have never subscribed to this leading apologetics magazine for today’s world, then I encourage you to do so through the AiG website.



(Exodus 20:19) And they said unto Moses, Speak you with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

When we saw our sinfulness against the perfect law of God, we ran to the Lord Jesus Christ, wanting Him to represent us before an angry, holy God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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