The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. It is an eyewitness account of history and is accurate in everything it says. It is the authority for Christian life and practice and is a foundation on which believers must build their thinking.
We need to be equipped to teach people to see and draw connections between the Bible and the world around us. The Bible is the foundation for our understanding of the real world. It can be trusted and is the ultimate authority no matter what it speaks on—from biology to salvation.
Have you ever heard someone say that the Bible “contains” the Word of God? If you have, then you have heard statements that are limiting the inspiration of Scripture to human boundaries of convenience.
The supposed Bible errors are well known to Bible scholars and have all been addressed and found not to be errors after all. In every case, there is a logical explanation for the supposed error. The Bible is a book we can trust—no, more than that, it is the only book we can fully trust.
God’s written Word distinguishes His special communication to man as immeasurably superior to all other supposed revelations. God has vindicated His Word, and His Book is a genuine writing, with prophecies and revelation that must be taken seriously.
Adam and Eve, the first humans, were real, historical people created by God and placed in the Garden of Eden. Their historicity is foundational to the gospel.
Are you properly equipped to give a reasonable apologetic (defense) of the Christian faith to answer the skeptical questions of the world?
Archaeology brings the pages of the Bible to life as it both confirms the Bible’s account of history and expands our understanding of the world of the Bible.
Misconceptions and mischaracterizations abound regarding the lives of the historical characters of the Bible.
Secularists often accuse the Bible of being full of contradictions. However, when the supposed contradictions are carefully examined, the conflict dissolves.
The Bible is not just a book full of stories. Rather, it provides the correct chronology for the history of humanity—starting in Genesis!
Everyone has questions when it comes to the Bible. A close look at the text and the context offers the answers.
Why should we read and study God’s Word, and how should we go about it? Is Scripture clear on its own, or do we need a theology degree to understand it?
The Bible provides a reliable history of the universe and the events described in the Bible, through which we can interpret science and history.
The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It was named by the Septuagint (LXX) translators because it gives an account of the origin of all things.
The message of the gospel—Christ’s death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind—is the message the world desperately needs to hear.
According to the Bible, hell is a real place where God judges unrepentant sinners with eternal, conscious punishment.
The Bible claims to be written by God—through human authors—but can we trust it as error-free and authoritative on everything it touches?
Deepen your understanding of the real Noah’s ark. Dive into biblical insights, historical context, and scientific perspectives on this historic artifact.
Geology overwhelmingly supports the historicity of the global Flood. Sediments were rapidly deposited, forming most of the fossil-bearing rock layers.
Does the Bible really have inherent authority to be considered the ultimate standard of truth for Christians?
The Tower of Babel, where God divided the languages, is the correct starting point for understanding the origin of language, culture, and the people groups.
What would you say if someone asked you, “What is the Bible?” I answered that question in just five minutes in a recent video.
The Bible’s revelation of Jesus demands a personal response.
Mary is an example of faith for believers today.
God gave Ezekiel visions promising restoration of creation.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.