Our world is filled with the little monsters and these parasites can be pretty nasty.
We’ve all heard about “the five senses”—sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. But are there other ways to experience the world?
Many people who have written on Genesis 1 have attempted to make a very significant distinction between two Hebrew words found there.
PDF DownloadThe privilege to vote and seek God as an informed, Bible-believing Christian while not being influenced by secularist, nonbelieving platforms.
Scorpions appear armed to scare and kill. Are we supposed to be afraid, or is it just our imagination?
Explore the origin of pre-flood “gopher wood” and possible identities of the wood used to build Noah’s ark.
Eva and Andy solve a riddle in the Grand Canyon and find evidence that confirms the Bible’s account of the global flood found in Genesis.
We still see God’s creativity unfolding before our very eyes in a different way in the birth of each child.
In this chapter, we’ll examine the fascinating answers to questions about what happened on the plain of Shinar.
As God’s creatures disappear, Christians have the opportunity to model the Creator’s spirit of wise conservation.
Can you sense the hatred against God and Christianity? Imagine if they become the dominant people in political positions—and that is happening.
America is dying. It has been dying for some time. Right now, from a human perspective, the church is fighting for its very life in the West.
Ugly, worthless, annoying—does our opinion of some creatures reflect the Creator’s care or do we need an attitude adjustment?
The peregrine falcon comes equipped with all the necessary technology to defy deadly speeds.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.