In 35 years of ministry, I’ve discovered that the issue of the age of the earth and the universe is an extremely emotional topic for secularists.
When you compromise the Word of God, it is also an attack on the Son of God, whose Word it is.
There have been many claims over the years that explorers have found the remains of Noah’s Ark. While this great ship really did exist thousands of years ago, what can we say about it today?
The purpose of this exhibit on the origin of man is not only to indoctrinate children and adults in evolution, but also atheism!
The world constantly screams to pastors that the literal six-day creation is just a Bible story. But Scripture lays out the truth.
The words attributed to Martin Luther almost 500 years ago—when he boldly stood on the authority of God’s Word against the compromisers of the day—are just as appropriate now.
As a Christian, I am thoroughly enthralled when exploring the world created by our Savior. As a scientist, I see so many mysteries yet to be solved.
Ken Ham was once asked, “What are you really trying to do here? What’s your real motivation?” He’s not ashamed to share it.
Why do Christians believe the Bible doesn’t serve as a foundation for biology, geology, and astronomy? Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG–U.S., examines the issue.
You may be surprised how humanists realize that they must target your children. Ken Ham exposes the truth.
From the beginning of our speaking ministry, I began to see a pattern. Wherever I spoke, regardless of the country, people were asking the same basic questions.
Many of those opposing the Christian faith accuse Christians of supposed “child abuse” for teaching them about God of creation.
Each of our children grew up with creationist resources, and such a foundation can keep children in church when they grow up.
A debate over biblical creation is a lot like a debate over the existence of air. Can you imagine two people debating whether or not air exists?
This month, Answers in Genesis released an eye-opening new book that we ask you to symbolically nail on the door of churches, Christian colleges, and seminaries across America.
After rejecting the true history of the world, Charles Darwin was never able to reconcile the existence of death, disease, and struggle with the character of a loving God.
What is not so commonly known is that there have been adverse parts of Darwin’s legacy that many of his followers have either denied or kept from public knowledge.
many Americans are oblivious to the fact that atheists—with a fervent belief there is no God—are aggressively trying to impose that belief on the culture.
“In man we trust”? Surely, that wouldn’t happen in America. Right?
A disturbing trend throughout the past 50 years has been the growing stridency and unabashed dogmatism of evolutionists.
Several times over the years I’ve encountered worshippers in what I would call the “I Can’t Know” religion.
How should we pick among candidates? What is the “heart” of the issue?
The Creator of the universe has already communicated with us, yet a U.S. agency is using your tax dollars to teach students how to communicate with aliens!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.