Evolution has long been at odds with Genesis.1 However, as new scientific data accumulate, evolutionists find new and more nuanced ways to contradict the biblical account. The recent publication of Adam and the Genome illustrates this.2 The authors don’t just deny the plain reading of Genesis 1–11 and the historicity of Adam and Eve; they extend their denial into the New Testament.
Should Christians care? Consider the theological ramifications. If the thesis of Adam and the Genome is true, then the plain reading of the text of Scripture is wrong.3 If we can deny the accuracy of one section of Scripture, what’s to stop us from denying the rest? Consistent with this predictable pattern, the theistic evolutionary group BioLogos (with whom one of the book’s authors is affiliated4) does not affirm inerrancy in their doctrinal statement,5 and the president of BioLogos makes it clear that they tolerate the view that the Bible has errors.6 Where in Scripture do the errors stop, and where does truth begin?
If one man (Adam) didn’t sin, can one Man (Jesus Christ) really save?
Consider what the nonexistence of Adam and Eve would mean for the central element of Christianity, the gospel. God through Paul makes it clear that one man (Adam) sinned, and one Man (Jesus Christ) saves.7 If one man (Adam) didn’t sin, can one Man (Jesus Christ) really save? Denying the historicity of Adam and Eve has sobering consequences for the Christian faith.8
Again, BioLogos manifests the fruit of such compromise. They are already entertaining alternative views of the atonement of Christ.9 Which doctrines will be reinterpreted next?
The publication of Adam and the Genome should concern all Christians for another reason: lay Christian audiences are the specific target of this book. The “lay” element is clear from one author’s summary: “My goal for my half of the book was to lay out, as clearly as possible for the average reader, why it is that mainstream biologists—Christian or otherwise—agree that humans evolved, and that we did so as a substantial population.”10 The “Christian” element is evident from the subtitle: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science.
What should believers do? How should they respond? This article is the first of a series in which we will be responding to the scientific claims made in Adam and the Genome. The first part of our response is designed to correct an oversight in Adam and the Genome: Adam and the Genome does not engage any of the genetic arguments we’ve advanced in our technical literature.11 In contrast, chapter 10 of our recent book Searching for Adam12 summarizes our technical papers and directly engages the claims made by one of the authors on the BioLogos website. In our chapter, we showed that recent genetic discoveries not only demonstrate the scientific merit and integrity of the biblical position but they also present a strong challenge to the evolutionary one. Consequently, we’ll begin our response by republishing this chapter over the next four weeks in whole (but divided into several parts). Then, in later articles, we’ll respond to specific claims in Adam and the Genome.
Christians need not fear the attacks presented by evolution, regardless of whether the arguments are old or new. The Bible stands infallible forever, and science will never contradict what the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient Creator has written.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.