Everywhere they look in the biological world, scientists and engineers are finding marvelous designs that inspire new technology. In fact, this conscious imitation of nature has opened a whole new field of science, called biomimicry.
When God gave man the directive to have dominion over the earth, a part of that includes gaining an understanding of God’s creation—so this knowledge can be used for God’s glory and man’s good. The Lord has allowed mankind to accumulate knowledge to develop the incredible technology we see today.
Can a robot’s software “evolve” to cope with physical changes, such as the addition of new features? Robert Gordon University engineer Christopher MacLeod and colleagues designed a robot that can adapt to changes by “mimicking biological evolution.”
Ancient man, far from being the commonly perceived illiterate brute, was a genius. Some of his ancient technologies still confound historians today.
God invented it first! Scientists often look to impressive designs in nature to develop their technology.
Through imagination and technology, we are practicing the dominion mandate and may perhaps hear the calls of dinosaurs again.
The rise of artificial intelligence unlocks an altered world of possibilities that are already transforming how humans work, learn, heal, grieve, relate, and worship.
What is AI, and how should Christians engage with it?
There are companies willing to take your money in exchange for a “large language model” trained to communicate with you just like your loved one did in life.
Electric cars are parked at the center of a charged debate. How can you know when and whether to buy in?
Some creatures produce tenaciously sticky substances and researchers hope to mimic these materials to create safer surgical procedures.
Dr. Raymond Damadian’s lifesaving MRI invention continues to benefit millions of people each year.
Modern technology can help people in great need. But what if technology can be repurposed to enhance healthy people beyond their natural limits?
Widespread fear that artificial intelligence could overtake humans is based on a false assumption.
The master Engineer provided all the parts for plastics, long before the modern Plastic Age began.
PDF DownloadA novel satellite is scheduled to investigate the feasibility of using “solar wind” as a source of propulsion for spacecraft by using solar sails.
Truth or science fiction? It’s possible to bypass your ears and send electrical signals directly to the brain. True.
The orb weaver has a unique “stay away” warning system that has inspired new technology to save birds’ lives.
Software developer Brett Golson knows that passively reading God’s Word isn’t enough.
Robots arbitrate the flight debate.
The Lord has allowed mankind to accumulate knowledge to develop the incredible technology we see today. That technology can be used for both good and evil purposes.
Robot designers are taking a cue from Charles Darwin!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.