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Searching For Truth

The Illustrated Gospel

Written by Dr. Tim Chaffey; Illustrated by Colin Dyer
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  • Format: fixed-layout epub, pdf
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 72 pages
  • Ages: 9 and up
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2017
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-3-290
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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Find real answers for a cynical world in this graphic novel featuring the realistic and cutting-edge art style of the popular, "Why the Bible is True" Ark Encounter exhibit. Highlights important questions that many young people and adults encounter.


When life meets truth...

In a cultural climate that exalts personal preference above all else, here is a dramatic, visually stunning story that addresses issues and concerns of utmost importance as life meets truth. The honest and open message connects to the hearts of those who might not normally read a full-length, text-driven book. This graphic novel clearly shows why the Bible can be trusted as God’s Word, including its prophetic revelations, evidence of the supernatural, consistency over time, and the scientific and historical accuracy of its text. What makes the Bible unique and its account of truth different from all other religious writings is discussed through thought-provoking questions.

From the door of the Ark to the door of Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life, Searching for Truth demands a response from readers.

  • Illustrated, story-based presentation of the gospel
  • Apologetic approach
  • A modern style and format to engage and inspire a new generation

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Dr. Tim Chaffey

Dr. Tim Chaffey

Dr. Tim Chaffey is the content manager of the Attractions Division of Answers in Genesis. He is responsible for overseeing the development of content for the exhibits at the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. He also writes articles for the Answers in Genesis website and Answers magazine. Tim can often be found giving presentations at the Ark Encounter or Creation Museum. He is also a regular cohost on Answers News as well as a producer and cohost of the award-winning movie analysis show, Tilt Shift, on Answers TV.


This spectacular book is a powerful presentation of the gospel message, and we believe many people will be impacted by it.

—Ken Ham, speaker, author and CEO of AiG

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