The Fall of Satan and A Biblical and Historical Look at Halloween

Written by Bodie Hodge
List Price: $10.48
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  • Format: Download Bundle
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • SKU: 90-3-378
  • ISBN:
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These digital downloads are included:

  • A Biblical and Historical Look At Halloween (PDF - 3.4 MB)
    for any device with Adobe Reader.
  • A Biblical and Historical Look At Halloween (EPUB - 1.1 MB)
    for iPad/iPhone, Android, Nook, and most other eBook readers.
  • A Biblical and Historical Look At Halloween (MOBI - 0.75 MB)
    for Kindle.
  • Fall of Satan (MOBI - 1.3 MB)
    for Kindle.
  • Fall of Satan (EPUB - 0.7 MB)
    for iPad/iPhone, Android, Nook, and most other eBook readers.

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You'll discover the answers to 35 captivating questions, such as: Who is Satan? Was there pain before the fall? When did Satan rebel? Includes bonus chapter: Who were the Nephilim (and the sons of God) in Genesis 6 and Numbers 13? Download also includes the Halloween eBooklet files.

What’s Included $10 value

  • eBook A Biblical and Historical Look At Halloween: eBook

    When did modern-day Halloween get started? What is the original source for Halloween? What are the evils of modern-day Halloween and what can a Christian do? The answers are inside!

    Buy Individually
  • eBook The Fall of Satan: eBook

    You'll discover the answers to 35 captivating questions, such as: Who is Satan? Why would God, who is not evil, allow evil to continue to exist? Shouldn’t Eve have been shocked that a serpent spoke? Did the serpent originally have legs? When did Satan rebel?

    Buy Individually

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