Is the root problem guns, or ignorance, or poor mental health? While no one can make complete sense of crazed gunmen’s actions, Christians are in a position to offer an answer that gives real hope.
Norwegian terror suspect’s call for an armed crusade by “cultural Christendom” creates confusion in early news reports. Yet the Breivik case clearly illustrates the absurdity of allowing someone who does not espouse biblical Christianity to redefine Christianity. To the credit of CNN and many political spokespersons who have been interviewed, Breivik’s version of “Christianity” is now being publicly rejected.
Violence did not exist in God’s original “very good” creation. While death is “natural” today, God calls it an enemy and condemns murder because He made humans in His image.
Recent shootings have sparked serious discussions about how to prevent these tragedies.
In the wake of the shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, AiG reached out to our friends at Calvary Chapel Aurora this morning.
The blame for the tragic shooting and bombing in Norway last year, which resulted in seventy-seven deaths, was initially laid at the feet of conservative Christians.
Norwegian terror suspect’s call for an armed crusade by “cultural Christendom” creates confusion in early news reports.
We were designed to seek food to satisfy our hunger, and we seek fame to satisfy our desire for immortality.
On the tenth anniversary of the Columbine killings, atheists are fuming about one of our 2006 commercials. Perhaps it’s because we pointed out a connection that’s too close to home.
Finland has been shaken by another violent school shooting, the second in less than a year.
A gunman—who massacred eight people at a high school—claimed he was engaged in Darwinian “natural selection.”
A writer complains about our connecting evolution education with school violence.
As another extremely sad act of school violence erupts in an American public school, this time in Santee, California, people are again asking 'Why?'
A year and a half ago, many evolutionists harshly criticized AiG’s comments printed
The teaching of evolution in public schools has fostered
If a person doesn't think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what's the point of trying to modify your behaviour to keep it within acceptable ranges?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.