Be Part of Something That Can Transform Future Generations for Christ

by Ken Ham on May 27, 2012
Featured in Letter from Ken

Are you ready to be part of something that can transform future generations for Christ?

Help Us Make an Impact!

This is an exciting letter for me to write to you this month.

I’m sure you sometimes get weighed down (as I do) by the continual string of sad news regarding the spiritual state of the church and our nation. For example, we all know about the terrible exodus of young people from the church. We published the book Already Gone to present the eye-opening results of a study conducted by America’s Research Group as to why about two-thirds of young people are leaving the church.

The researchers found (among other things) that most churches and Christian homes were not teaching young people how to defend the faith—how to be prepared for the secular attacks of our age. Pastors and Sunday school teachers weren’t giving them the vital apologetics training so that their young people would be equipped to stand boldly and unashamedly on the Word of God . . . and answer the skeptical questions of this age that cause them to doubt and ultimately disbelieve God’s Word.

These results compelled AiG to step out in faith and produce additional much-needed curricula that is biblical-authority based, with an apologetics thrust, and, of course, evangelistic.

As part of this teaching vision of ours, we also determined to produce an entire three-year, fully integrated Bible curriculum for pre-school through adult called Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC). Well, after months of development, ABC has gone to the printer!

I thought you would be encouraged to read some wonderful feedback as to how AiG curricula and other materials are already helping God’s people raise up generations of dedicated young adults who can make a difference for the Lord in this culture. I also want to share testimonials we’ve received from those who have been able to see (and even try) the coming Answers Bible Curriculum.

Laying the Foundations

Recently AiG supporters used AiG’s new Foundations DVD curriculum with young people in their church. They were SO excited at the responses and sent us an email:

“Listed below are some of the comments made by our group of young people in regard to the Foundations series . . . . It is information that you do not derive by attending church or even in Sunday school. It goes so much deeper, which is why we called our group Digging Deeper. . . . As you will see from the comments, the young people definitely feel they are now more prepared as they continue in their daily walk and their educational process.”

Here is just some of the exciting, representative feedback from this group—clearly demonstrating that this approach, using AiG resources, is sorely needed:

Before this series I had trouble standing up for the hope that I have. That was very unfortunate because I’m a talker. I’m very quick to want to jump in a conversation, but would find myself falling short in words on this subject.

“Not anymore! I now have no trouble answering someone’s questions about my faith or the Bible and standing up for the hope I have. I can now more effectively witness to non-believers and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you so much.

–B. C., high school junior

The Foundations series has taught me how to intelligently defend my faith. I am so grateful for this as I make my transition into the college world and come into contact with many people who can “intelligently” argue against my faith.

–S. E., high school senior

I have thoroughly enjoyed [the Foundations] series. It has boosted my confidence in being ready to give an answer.

–C. J., high school junior

Foundations really made me ponder different things about why I do believe the Bible and how to defend my faith. It really made an impact.

–T. J., 8th grade

WOW! Never knew “genes” could help me explain the reason why there is just ONE race. Thanks . . . for giving me a better understanding.

–K. G., college freshman

The Foundations lessons have really helped me be able to better explain why I believe Christianity is the way. With what we have learned, I have been able to defend my points when conversations arise about why I’m a Christian.

–T. L., high school senior

We are receiving more and more encouraging testimonies like these as an increasing number of churches are adopting AiG’s VBS curricula and other biblically based apologetics curricula that AiG produces.

A Trial Run that “Rocked the World”

Recently, AiG gave a church the opportunity to do a trial run and provide crucial feedback for one of the three-month sections of the soon-to-be-released Answers Bible Curriculum. At the end, the excited teachers told us that the children were upset! Why? The youngsters didn’t want to go back to their old curriculum because they had learned so much from ABC!

After AiG’s recent Children’s Leaders’ Conference, where the Answers Bible Curriculum was explained in detail, we were told that the ABC approach (i.e., teaching with creation/biblical authority apologetics included) “rocked the world” of an experienced Christian curriculum writer—and that he’s committed to taking the information learned through ABC and apply it to his own curricula in the future.

This ABC curriculum is so needed. It has been over two years in writing, editing, and illustrating, and we now have sent the first two quarters of the curriculum to the printers. We are all excited at what we already see the Lord doing as teachers and entire Sunday school departments prepare to teach this 3-year, chronological, through-the-Bible curriculum—one that has all age groups studying the same Scriptures at the same time.

We are even seeing a lot of homeschool families signing up for one or two of the seven age groups! What tremendous help ABC will be, not only in church settings, but in homes as well. Think about it: parents and children will be able to talk together about the same Bible lessons as they sit at home, or travel on the road. Sounds a lot like Deuteronomy 11:19, doesn’t it?!

Pushing into the “Desert”

I don’t mind telling you it has been a very real struggle for us to produce this needed curriculum. For the immense size of this project and its various components, we really have only a small, but dedicated, staff who give so sacrificially of their time as they use their God-given talents. We are all driven by the fact that we see how great the need is, and how much of a “desert” there is in regard to the availability of Bible-teaching tools.

But we are so committed to this curriculum, and the potential of God using it to change countless lives for coming generations, we have decided to keep forging ahead as the Lord continues to lead. We are doing our best to come alongside the church to reach young people and adults for Christ, as we call the church away from compromise and back to the authority of Scripture.

There are not many Christian organizations prepared to take the stand AiG does.

As I often say to people, our daily battles remind me of the Israelites conquering the Promised Land—and God had them do it “little by little.” Well, that’s how we have been approaching the production of God-honoring resources—“little by little.” And we believe AiG is on the verge of making a huge impact on the church through ABC and the other resources God has burdened us to produce.

We urgently need your prayers and financial support for these effective creation/gospel outreaches. Please ask the Lord what you can give today to partner with Answers in Genesis.

Thank you for your partnership with us!


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