Ways We Could Evolve

on November 28, 2009
Featured in News to Know

National Geographic News: “Future Humans: Four Ways We May, or May Not, EvolveSlow science news week? Try some science fiction instead.

Although we often have the urge to parody evolutionary suppositions, there’s really no need. Evolutionists provide the best self-parodies of their own worldview—rife with self-refutations and bombastic claims.

Evolutionists provide the best self-parodies of their own worldview.

This week’s example comes from National Geographic News, which wonders what the future of human evolution will be. The four answers—or non-answers—they provide are perhaps more revealing than they intended.

  1. “Human Evolution Is Dead”: Just because we humans got to where we are because of natural selection and mutations—and we have, lest you should doubt (note that emphasis means it must be true)—that doesn’t mean we will continue to do so. Humans travel too much and have overcome “survival of the fittest” because of advances in medical care. Poor evolution can’t keep up. But remember: not happening now means it did happen in the past.
  2. “Humans Will Continue to Evolve”: Sexual selection is alive and kicking, say other evolutionists. As technology advances, intelligence is of utmost importance in becoming a master of the machines. Those with a higher IQ will achieve more success and pass on their genetic information. Couple that with designer babies and genetic manipulation, and Darwin’s idea could kick into high gear to produce a race of perfectly proportioned, muscular, intelligent, energetic people with a strong immune system. (Any similarities to Hitler’s vision of a super race are purely coincidental.)
  3. “Humans to Achieve Electronic Immortality”: Forget designing your own children. Why not just become immortal in cyberspace? The real future of human evolution involves copying your brain atom by atom and uploading it to a computer. Blue screens of death would never be so literal.
  4. “New Era of Evolution Awaits on Off-World Colonies?”: According to evolutionary time scales, humans were isolated for 30,000 years in remote places, including Australia and Papua New Guinea. And nothing happened—except that humans continued to be humans. How disappointing. But fret not; one day humans may colonize distant worlds (if they can fend off all that life that sprouts at the first sign of water). If 30,000 inflated years couldn’t make a new species of humans appear, 60,000 years on another planet should do the trick.

Hope is meaningless if we’re nothing more than bags of carbon and water.

Perhaps our comments are a bit pointed, but we do so only because evolutionists don’t seem to listen to themselves when they make such claims.

If nature is all there is (as these “visions” seem to suggest), then the only hope one can have is in the nebulous “future.” Death is final, after all. Life is meaningless beyond reproduction and helping others live longer to ensure the continuity of the species (i.e., your genes). That’s it. Hope is meaningless if we’re nothing more than bags of carbon and water.

When all people have is the “future” to hang on to, they produce ideas about how the future will be better, how humans will be better. The first prediction’s dour tone suggests the “show’s over,” but it’s quickly drowned out by the optimistic claims that humans will spread throughout the universe or live forever or become superhuman because evolution is our savior.

In truth, the human condition is much more dire than any of these predictions suppose. We will never become better on our own: our genome is degrading; our bodies are dying; and our souls are polluted by sin. No technology or hoped-for escape can ever fix that.

The real “evolution” we need is for Christ to restore us, to make us right with our Creator. Then we have a real future: we’ll live with Him forever in a new heavens and a new earth.

Remember, if you see a news story that might merit some attention, let us know about it! (Note: if the story originates from the Associated Press, Fox News, MSNBC, the New York Times, or another major national media outlet, we will most likely have already heard about it.) And thanks to all of our readers who have submitted great news tips to us.

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