Deep Layers

on October 26, 2002

On Saturday, 26 October, the World War II fighter plane Glacier Girl is expected to fly again.

On Saturday, 26 October, the World War II fighter plane Glacier Girl is expected to fly again. The plane was abandoned on a Greenland glacier in 1942. When it was recovered 50 years later, scientists were astonished to learn that so much ice—more than 250 ft (75 m) of it—had entombed the plane in such a short time.

The plane has been under restoration for the last ten years at the Lost Squadron Museum in Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA. Around 80% of its parts are original.1 The governor of Kentucky will join the crowds expected to watch the plane take off around 2:20 pm at the Middlesboro Airport.

Only a handful of P-38 fighters—one of the deadliest planes in the war—are in existence. You can read more about this amazing plane—and the powerful evidence against the ‘long ages’ of Greenland’s ice cap—in a 1997 article from Creation magazine.


  1. Brown, Fred, Restoring lost plane was labor of love: Harrogate man spent millions to rescue P-38,, 21 October 2002 ‹,1406,KNS_630_1491996,00.html›. See all footnotes


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