Non-Creationist Compliments AiG’s Intelligent Discussion of “Other Side”

on June 6, 2000
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“I hope that we, the debaters, regardless of opinion, can allow our discussions to encompass two of the wonders central to the human condition - thse of friendship and of reason.”

Dear Webeditors,

Thank you for providing an excellent resource for articles and discussions from the creationist viewpoint. As a student of philosophy, who admittedly veers toward the scientific and evolutionary, it is always pleasant and refreshing to discover a well-designed and comprehensive set of arguments from the 'other side', as it were. The recent piece of illiterate, anti-religious vitriol to be found in the 'negative responces' section demonstrates that those of a humanist persuation can be a disgrace to humanity itself. I do, however, find that many of the articles linked to in support of creationism and the legitimacy of biblical truth, etc, are ill-reasoned, arrogant, spurious and even insulting - as if the art of calm, rational and intelligent discussion were secondary to ontological point-scoring and the yah-boo politics of religious debate. I hope that we, the debaters, regardless of opinion, can allow our discussions to encompass two of the wonders central to the human condition - thse of friendship and of reason.


R. B.


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