We can understand why God considers sin serious. God sees rebellion for what it is—attempted anarchy against His authority and lining up with Satan. When we reject God’s authority, we have been duped into thinking we are our own authority, but we really place ourselves under the authority of Satan.
The precise biblical terms that capture the essence of society’s concept of stress include anxiety, fear, anger, despair, and guilt. Stress is the mental and emotional tension that is generated from our unbiblical responses to pressure.
The biblical counseling movement has been criticized by those who are skeptical of the sufficiency of Scripture for counseling. Secular psychology understandably views the Bible as irrelevant, but many “Christian counselors” acknowledge the Bible’s relevance yet deny its sufficiency in the way that they practically advise their counselees.
Many people call themselves Christians, but their words and actions are grossly unchristian. Such contradictions stain the name Christian as people look and say, “That’s a Christian? Well then, I don’t want to be a Christian.”
There’s a whole world full of beautiful places to explore. But what does Jesus’ earthly ministry teach us about truly seeing the world?
Knowing how to balance our responsibilities is never easy, but God has not left us in the dark.
What is the danger of striving to be perfect in our fallen world?
The Parables of Salt and Light, the Barren Fig Tree, and the Lost Sheep.
Jesus’ Parables of the Mustard Seed, Leaven, Lost Treasures, and Pearls.
The Parables of the Persistent Friend and the Persistent Widow show the generous provision of God compared to the reluctant characters in the parables.
What Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the tares teaches us about the kingdom of God.
Jesus’ Parable of the Heart of Man—Matthew 15:10–20 and Mark 7:14–23
The Parables of the Older Brother and the Jealous Workers
How modern “Good Samaritans” can remind us about loving our neighbors.
Mentorship simply means opening the door to the mentee God brings to you.
Until you follow Christ and use your heart, mind, and soul for your God-designed purpose, you’ll never operate to your maximum capacity and know true fulfillment.
The hopeless gospel of gay Christianity is a deceptive faith we must guard against.
Addictions, trauma, depression . . . people who come to Christ often face tough problems. Whose job is it to reach out to them? The Bible must be our guide.
Seek the guidance of the Great Physician, and make a wise decision with your family and doctor.
Our primary goal in handling life's pressures is to learn how to depend upon God and please Him, not simply get rid of stresses.
We all dream of doing something worthwhile with life. According to God’s Word, it’s possible. We just need the right priorities.
When our kids begin to see the same God-doubting idolatry that Eve succumbed to driving their sin, they will also see their need for the promised Rescuer.
Our view of the members of the Trinity shape our view of prayer. Dr. Mark Bird will discuss how the New Testament authors relate prayer to the Trinity.
When we defend God’s Word against skeptics, it is easy to become intimidated.
The most important battles in today’s culture wars are being fought on your watch, at your house.
A CRT permits you to make a gift of your appreciated property and receive payments for a life, two lives, or a term of years. By establishing a CRT, you can bypass capital gains tax.
Pastor Don Landis helps us understand that the world's persecution against Christians flows from a rejection of God and the truth of His Word.
This question is no longer theoretical. But we must ask, “What does God’s Word say?”
War is a constant threat. This world situation prompts these oft-raised questions, “Should daughters and wives be in combat?” and “should daughters, wives, and mothers even serve in the military?”
When you put together a Ladies’ Tea at your church, what do you spend the most time on?
Is There a Biblical Basis for Being Vegetarian?
Because of the Curse, we have a ready-made platform to shine as lights in a dark world.
The original idea of the fast was to eat no food; drink liquids only.
What good is education without the discernment to use it?
In the midst of financial uncertainty, the Bible still provides the answers.
Chances are you have friends who believe in Evolution. Here are some suggestions for talking with them.
Let’s face it—sometimes your family doesn’t get much out of the Sunday sermon.
Praying is just like ordinary conversation—but is that really evidence against Christianity?
It is one thing to talk about the authority of Scripture, but far more important to obey what God says.
Why would the funeral of a former dance intructor and door-to-door “salesman”1 attract a “who’s who” of Christian leaders, 3,000 people, plus a special assistant to the US president to his funeral?
When God is about to do something amazing, be on guard. Something is sure to happen that will try to divert your focus and energy. This is what happened on our way to Las Vegas to do ministry.
Some jobs done by AiG volunteers traveling from Tri-County Bible Church in Rensselair, Indiana.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.