Formed to Be Inhabited

Chemistry Glorifies the Creator God of the Bible

by Frost Smith on December 29, 2017
Featured in Answers in Depth

When we think of evidence for God, we often consider examples of design in biology (Job 40) or even astronomy (Genesis 1:14–17; Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 40:22). And well we should, for our Creator has made himself quite evident in this way, and has even said so (Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16). But, especially when we see Scripture refer to “invisible things” as being evidence for our Creator, do we often think of chemistry?

For many people, chemistry is a bit daunting. It is arguably less tangible than observing the beauty in the design of bioluminescence or the way a bee can discern polarized light and do a waggle dance to communicate complex instructions to its hive. And while the amazing aspects about the universe are beyond our reach, they can be strikingly observable when major astronomic events occur, such as the recent solar eclipse that awed so many of us this past summer.

But what, besides the occasional baking soda volcano experiment, can chemistry show us? With the winter months staring down the northern hemisphere, it can be painfully obvious if we just look—or perhaps if we don’t! Ice is a wonder of God’s creation, but if we don’t notice it we might find ourselves off the side of the road or sprawled on the cold sidewalk. Yes, even the mundane ice and water that we take for granted tell an awesome tale of a caring Creator who planned the chemical properties of even the most ubiquitous elements and molecules to make this world perfectly suited for the life that he glorified himself in creating.

Dig out your periodic table and join us in this quest to honor and see God through chemistry.

As many a creation scientist will attest, it brings them joy to bring glory to God by discovering more about him through his creation and relaying those discoveries to others. With that in mind, we encourage you to dig out your periodic table and join us in this quest to honor and see God through chemistry.

In the upcoming article series, we will explore just a few basics of chemistry and biochemistry to showcase the majesty and dominion of our God over creation from the atomic level and up. Not only that, but we will demonstrate that this “invisible” and intelligent design points us to the God of the Bible, not some impersonal chemist that does not take an interest in his handiwork. By contrast, the God of the Bible created the earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18), setting man as the pinnacle of his work, made in his own image and given dominion (Genesis 1:26–28). Though God cares for animals, for they benefit from his benevolent design (Matthew 10:29), these complexities of God’s creation communicate to man alone. Sadly, however, it is man alone who is reticent to truly see the handiwork of God calling out to him (2 Peter 3; Job 12:7–9).

We pray you will consider the beauty and complexity of chemistry as part of a logical, ordered creation that we can study because it follows laws. For those who still refuse to see, our God, though he is just and must punish sin, is patient and merciful (2 Peter 3:5–9), and wants man to spend eternity with him. Even in this imperfect universe that has fallen from its original perfect state (Romans 8:22), we are without excuse if we don’t acknowledge the Creator God of the Bible (Romans 1:20). May we continue to ask the right questions and seek answers in God’s Word as we explore and enjoy creation, both big and small, in our short time on earth, and then offer him the honor and glory he deserves.

Answers in Depth

2017 Volume 12


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