New Resource: What the New Testament Says About Creation

by Ken Ham
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The beliefs of evolution and millions of years don’t just impact how we view Genesis chapters 1–11; they also affect how we understand the New Testament and vital biblical doctrines. British speaker and director of AiG–UK Simon Turpin has written a brand-new book that addresses this issue. What the New Testament Says About Creation is a much-needed resource that highlights how the teaching of evolution and deep time impacts the New Testament.

What the New Testament Says About Creation

Order your copy of Simon Turpin's new book today!

With a careful exegesis of Scripture, Simon (who has earned degrees in theology) digs into various passages throughout the New Testament to see what they say about creation, the fall, the flood, the age of the earth, and more. It’s a great summary of the connection between the history in Genesis and the New Testament. You can order this brand-new resource from our online store.

And for those that live in the UK, the book will be available on the AiG–UK store at to purchase in August.

Answers Conference Ireland

Join AiG–UK and Simon Turpin for a faith-building conference in Ireland later this year. Answers Conference Ireland, taking place November 2–3, 2018, features Simon, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Professor Stuart Burgess, Professor Andy McIntosh, David Chakranarayan, and me. I’m excited to be traveling to Ireland, along with several other speakers from AiG–US, to participate in this event that is reaching the church in Ireland, the UK, and throughout Europe.

The church in Ireland desperately needs to be equipped with answers. As that culture becomes more and more secular (the country voted recently to end its abortion ban), those who believe the Bible will find themselves increasingly at odds with people around them who do not understand or believe God’s Word. They need to be equipped to stand strong and to graciously defend what they believe.

We’re looking forward to encouraging them and providing them with the great resources they need to boldly stand for Christ and biblical truth.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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