“Evolution Sunday” Celebrates Darwin from the Pulpit

by Ken Ham on February 11, 2018
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today in the United States is “Evolution Sunday,” the final day of “Evolution Weekend.” This weekend, celebrated near Charles Darwin’s birthday (February 12), is an attempt to encourage churches to preach Darwin from the pulpit. Evolution Sunday began in 2006 to promote evolution among religious communities and convince them that belief in God is compatible with evolution. Basically, it’s an attempt to encourage churches to reinterpret God’s clear Word in light of man’s fallible evolutionary ideas about the past.

As Christians, we need to allow God’s Word to be our authority in all areas. God is the eyewitness Creator, who was actually there in the beginning and revealed what happened in his Word. Instead of trusting the ideas of sinful, fallible human beings who weren’t there, we need to trust the infallible Word of our perfect Creator who does not lie to us (Titus 1:2).

I encourage you to read these two articles (chapters from The News Answers Book 1) to learn more about the incompatibility of evolution and millions of years with God’s Word:

Pastors—Get Equipped to Equip Your Congregations

There’s an increasing push from the secular world for Christians to embrace aspects of the religion of humanism, including evolution, millions of years, gay “marriage,” abortion, and more. Pastors and Christian leaders need to be equipped to think biblically on these issues and to defend the truth of God’s Word so they can teach their congregations to do the same.

Taking back the Bible’s clarity . . . from the very first verse.

Many Christian leaders are telling us today that God’s Word just isn’t clear on issues like the age of the earth, creation, or even marriage. They tell us that we need experts and outside materials (like Ancient Near East texts or other archaeological artifacts) to even begin to understand what the text means. But God’s Word is clear in its basic message, and we can understand it. So for 2018, we have decided our theme for Answers in Genesis will be “taking back the Bible’s clarity . . . from the very first verse” (based on 1 Corinthians 14:8).

If you’re a pastor or Christian leader, I urge you to join us here at the Creation Museum near Cincinnati for Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders, a conference just for you, October 9–11, 2018. Our theme for the conference is the same theme for our ministry this year: “Taking back the Bible’s clarity . . . from the very first verse.”

You’ll hear from AiG’s Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Bodie Hodge, and me. We will also enjoy music from Michael O’Brien, former lead singer of the well-known Christian band NewSong. Attendees receive free admission to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, 45 minutes away (a $60 value). This a great opportunity to come and see the Ark and Creation Museum and enjoy teaching that will equip you to shepherd your congregation through these battles.

Learn more and register on our Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders event page. Please forward this blog post to your pastor and encourage him to attend.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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