Encouraging Testimony from Supporter

by Ken Ham on May 28, 2016

It’s encouraging and humbling to hear stories of how God is using the ministry of Answers in Genesis to impact people’s lives around the world. I always love reading these accounts in emails or social media posts, or hearing them when I meet people at our conferences.


In the over 20 years since AiG was founded, countless people have been challenged by the message of biblical authority and the gospel, and Lord willing, this impact will only increase when the Ark Encounter opens on July 7 here in Northern Kentucky. We’ve heard testimonies of salvation, of people being emboldened for the Lord, and of non-Christians being challenged to seek further understanding of the things of God.

Here is an encouraging email I received recently from one mother who has benefited from AiG resources:

I would like to say "Thank you" to you and your family for leaving your home and coming to the US many years ago to begin this ministry. I don't know what I would have done without it.

When my son, who had been home schooled all his life, wanted to attend a Christian school so he could play sports in Jr. High, we decided to enroll him. After all, it was a Christian school. Imagine our surprise when he came home and told us about his science teacher being "open minded" to the evolution theory because God could have used it, if He wanted to!! I was so upset that I had to schedule a conference with the teacher! . . .

From that day on I realized that I was going to have to get some help with "defending our faith" so that I could help my son more in this school. After utilizing AiG's website and ordering several resources, I was “hooked.” I was more convinced than ever that our children were being misled, not just in the schools, but in our churches.

My home library is now filled with many AiG books and DVDs as I continue to home school, and my church library is also full of AiG resources and curriculum including the Answers for Kids Bible Curriculum, the new Answers Bible Curriculum Sunday school curriculum, Answers Academy, and Demolishing Strongholds for our teens. I trust that we are making a difference in the lives of our young people by giving them a strong foundation for the accuracy of the Bible from the first verse of Genesis. Again, thank you so much for your dedication, faithfulness, and hard work through the years to build such a wonderful ministry! It is truly a blessing to me, my family, and my church!

If you would like to partner with us to reach even more people with the life-changing message of biblical authority and the gospel of Jesus Christ, you can donate, volunteer, pray, or maybe even work here. We are so thankful for all those who partner with us in these ways!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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