Our Speakers Abroad and in the U.S.

by Ken Ham on September 5, 2009

On Thursday morning one of our researchers and speakers, Bodie Hodge, led our staff's morning chapel time. He spoke about a creation conference held several months ago in the country of Peru, where he was one of the presenters. (One of our scientists, Dr. David Menton, spoke at this creation conference two years ago.)

While in Peru, Bodie was able to reconnect with our International Training Seminar (ITS) graduates, Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath of Peru. They had spent several days at the Creation Museum two years ago to get in-depth apologetics training during our intensive ITS program.

On the slide, you see the famous Indian ruins of Machu Picchu, one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" that Bodie was able to visit in Peru www.peru-machu-picchu.com/

Last Weekend in Alabama

Dr. Tommy Mitchell went south last weekend and explained to over a thousand folks in Prattville, Alabama: "Why Genesis Matters," "Why Can’t a Day Mean a Day?" plus everything anyone could ever want to know about "Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood."

I was told that one enthusiastic attendee remarked: "This is so good for us to hear! Most of us just take it by faith, but I see now we need to have answers to explain our faith to other people!"

A lady said, “I've been to a lot of Answers in Genesis seminars and they were great, but Dr. Tommy is just amazing. He's one of us!!!” (Tommy is from the South—Tennessee.)

"Dr. Tommy" followed up with a talk on dinosaurs: “Jurassic Prank: A Dinosaur Tale” for hundreds of students of the East Memorial Christian Academy and local homeschoolers. There was also a session for the K–5th graders about space and the stars.

A home-school mother at Monday’s sessions was excited to share her delight at discovering that Answers in Genesis sells a lot of curriculum resources now. Her family is now using God's Design for Science. Her husband read ahead through all the books and said, “This is really good stuff!” They are looking forward to also starting our new history curriculum. Another mom is getting all of the History Revealed CDs to supplement the materials she already has.

These parents are among the many who are glad to be able to show their children that real science is consistent with what we read in the Bible—and to help them learn that the history in the Bible is genuine history.

Tommy is an excellent speaker. You need to let your church leadership know about his great apologetics talks. Direct them to https://answersingenesis.org/bios/tommy-mitchell/

By the way, Tommy led an effort in the late ’90s to have me speak at the First Baptist Church of Hendersonville—near Nashville—and we have heard many great things about the lives that were touched as a result of that conference. Now on board with us as a staff member, Tommy can bring life-changing talks to your church. He truly is a superb communicator—one of the finest on our science faculty.

Tommy will be speaking this Friday, September 11, at our Creation Museum—see: creationmuseum.org/whats-here/activities/. Come here and check him out this Friday—and also enjoy the museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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