A Certain Holy Spark

by Ken Ham on February 9, 2009

We are already seeing tremendous responses from the Answers for Darwin conference this past weekend in Costa Mesa, California. It was thrilling to receive this one:

Just got home from today's conference, and like last night, it was phenomenal! Everything was so well done and polished. The slides and videos looked great, and each speaker spoke loud, authoritatively, and confidently standing on God's Word.

Oftentimes scholars speak on their subjects accurately, but there's a certain holy spark in AiG's speakers in person that doesn't even come across in other media (web pages and videos).

It was especially an honor for me to shake Dr. Snelling's hand, and thank him for the ARJ [Answers Research Journal, our online journal] and all of his material from the past I've read; and also to shake Dr. Menton's hand, and thank him briefly ... his Scales/Feathers/Skin presentation drew such a great mixture of wows & laughter from the crowd (even as people were meandering afterwards, recounting with joy what they had heard). And I'm so grateful that instead of relaxing after retiring from university, he gives of his time to share his knowledge with others!

And of course it was a great pleasure again to shake Mr. Ham's hand and thank him for bringing the conference to Calif. (he actually remembered having breakfast with me and the Eggerts last year in LA). This is a new memory I'll treasure forever! ... The big take-home point for me was not just evidence for the reliability of Genesis from various science disciplines, or that Genesis provides a solid foundation for the Gospel, but that Darwin chose one starting point for which he is greatly lauded by people 150 years later, even though our starting point far surpasses his logically (not to mention our eternal rewards for glorifying God instead of God's creation).

Standing in the Rain

One doesn’t usually put rain and Southern California in the same sentence! But this is the time of year places like Los Angeles do receive the small amount of rainfall they usually get in a year. Yesterday morning I spoke at Chino Hills Calvary Chapel—a beautiful church but with a very small lobby, so all our resources were to be out in the large courtyard. However, it was raining. The books were put on tables under awnings—and the few thousand people who attended the three services lined up, sometimes in light rain, to get the resources. But as soon as the last person from the third service obtained their resources, the rain poured down! We praise the Lord that people were SO excited and obtained so many resources. The message is getting out!

Here are some photographs:

  • People standing in the light rain to get their books crowds lines
  • Chino Hills Calvary Chapel church
  • A photograph taken on the front platform of myself and the head pastor, Jack Hibbs ken-and-friend
  • Talking with the crowd in between services ken-and-crowds
  • Inside the auditorium (it is a little dark—but will give you an idea of what it was like for each of the three services) sanctuary sanctuary

The Next Answers for Darwin Conference

The next Answers for Darwin conference is in Virginia (at Thomas Road Baptist church—Liberty University) next week—don't miss out! Check out AiG's website for details.

AiG Conference in Richmond

People in Richmond, Virginia, have a unique opportunity this coming Friday–Sunday. I will be joined by AiG’s astrophysicist, Dr. Jason Lisle, for a special AiG conference. Because of Dr. Lisle’s research and Museum (Planetarium) responsibilities, he only speaks minimally at AiG conferences—so this is a wonderful opportunity to hear him live at an exciting conference. The conference will be at Grove Avenue Baptist Church. You can obtain details from AiG’s website.


“Listen to pull them out of the fire”

(Judges 1:22–23) And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

The best preparation for us to bring the gospel to the lost is to listen to them so that our hearts may fill with compassion & hatred of the sin that destroys them.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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