AFR at Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on January 31, 2009

Yesterday Answers in Genesis had the privilege of having the American Family Radio network broadcast live from the Creation Museum portico. A number of AFR personalities (including Marvin Sanders, a VP with the ministry) were involved interviewing various AiG staff. Here is a photo of their “studio” in the portico as AiG’s Dr. Jason Lisle was being interviewed.


AiG is thrilled with the friendship it has developed with AFR over the years. Our radio program “Answers” is heard on its 200-station network.

You can listen to the program that was broadcast live directly from the front page of the AiG website. You will hear AiG scholars and other staff discuss various aspects of Genesis and the creation/evolution issue, the Darwin year celebrations (his 200th birthday in February 12), and many other fascinating topics.

You can also find out more about AFR from their website


Well it has happened again! AiG staff members to tie the knot! Congratulations to Crystal and Mike on their engagement. Here is a photo of the couple after Mike popped the question! mike-pops-question-1-29-09-023-email.jpg


It really does look like a Crystal Forest around the Creation Museum with all the ice on the trees. Marvin Sanders from the American Family Radio network said “it was like coming to Narnia!”

Here a two photographs taken outside my office:

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And of course, I had to show you a photograph of our 2 year old granddaughter Kylie enjoying the snow. snow-january-028.jpg


By the time you read this blog, Mally and I should be in California ready for three major speaking events:

1. MODESTO – CALVARY CHAPEL, THIS SUNDAY AND MONDAY—Go to events calendar for details

2. ANSWERS FOR DARWIN CONFERENCE, Friday, February 6, and Saturday, February 7—The first of two major conferences with other specialist AiG speakers (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling and Dr. David Menton)—CALVARY CHAPEL, COSTA MESA—Go to events calendar for details.

3. CHINO HILLS, CALVARY CHAPEL, Sunday February 8—Go to events calendar for details


Shewed them His hands and feet
(Luke 24:40) And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.

Fear turns to confidence as we cling to the Lord Jesus Christ when and see His hands and feet as the Great Creator pierced so we could be healed from our sins.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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