The Best Place to Begin

by Ken Ham on September 4, 2008

Donna, an employee here at Answers in Genesis, brought to my attention some interesting observations printed in the September 2008 issue of the Global Prayer Digest, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, California. This monthly digest highlights a different unreached people group each day of the month, usually living under persecution, and encourages Christians to pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ will reach them.

Commenting on Genesis 3:9, the writer states on page 14:

The first recorded question we have of God in Scripture is profound in many ways. God knows the answer to the question. But the reason He asks it is for us to know the answer—for us to realize where we are. Taking the gospel into a lost world today requires the same perspective. Before lost nations can be redeemed, just as with lost individuals, they must understand where they are and how they got there. . . . For this reason, many Bible translators and missionaries are seeing that the best place to begin with an unreached people group is in Genesis. Otherwise, information without a context quickly becomes misinformation. Pray that all unreached peoples might understand that they are lost, and that they must rely on God alone to find them.

AiG Medical Mission to Saipan

Dr. Tommy Mitchell and his doctor wife Elizabeth are on their way to Saipan early next week on a medical mission trip. Tommy will also be speaking at a Bible college—the same college where I was videotaped last year with my talks being translated into Mandarin Chinese.

Dr. Mitchell went through all the “hoops” to actually be registered as a doctor in Saipan to ensure he could accomplish all that needs to be done.

Pray for Tommy and his wife as they embark on this unique outreach. I’ve included scans of the posters being used to advertise Tommy’s visit to Saipan.

mitchell-mission-chinese mitchell-mission-english

Speaking in Tennessee

This Sunday I will be speaking morning and evening at First Baptist Church of Lenoir City, Tennessee (just outside Knoxville)—about four hours from AiG.


Our friend and supporter who writes these devotionals has a business in San Diego and Tecate, Mexico. The purpose of the plant in Mexico is to reach people with the gospel. This will give some background to today’s devotion:

A little child

(Isaiah 11:6) a little child shall lead them.

When the father of one of our Tecate daycare children, Alfredo, heard his son praying alone to Jesus to take care of his mom & dad, he broke down & wept silently.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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