From Atheist to Creationist to Christian

by Ken Ham on May 19, 2008

After speaking at Bible Baptist Church in Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania, on Sunday morning, a man and his wife came up to thank me for the ministry of Answers in Genesis and how it has revolutionized their lives. Frank told me that he was converted in 1993. He said that he was brought up in a Catholic school that taught him the Garden of Eden was a myth. As a result of this, he said the Bible couldn’t be true and he became an atheist.

Eventually he met Chari (now his wife), who told him about scientific evidence against evolution (she talked about such things as carbon dating etc). Chari had also obtained a set of the 12-part video seminar I did (on VHS tapes) that was filmed at Cedarville University in Ohio many years ago. After watching all 12 programs over a few weeks, Frank said his belief in evolution collapsed like a “glass tower shattering.” He said, the series to him “torpedoed evolution,” and he became a born-again Christian. He said that while he believed in evolution, he knew the Bible couldn’t be true. But once “evolution was out of the equation,” he realized the Bible was true—and the Lord brought him to salvation.

Frank and Chari also attended the Pennsylvania conference over the weekend. After sitting through my talk on Creation Evangelism (dealing with the “Jews” and the “Greeks” as types in regard to understanding evangelism—Acts 2 evangelism vs. Acts 17—as outlined in my book, Why Won’t They Listen?), Frank said he realized he had been trying to witness to friends/colleagues as if they were “Jews” instead of understanding they are “Greeks.”

He said he realized his witnessing methods were like “stacking studs in sand,” which is why they were falling over. He said the creation evangelism presentation had in a sense “given him a new set of armor—a new helmet—a new sword.”

This is just one testimony of the many we receive each time we are out speaking. Because one of our staff was nearby with a camera, I had him take a photograph of myself and Frank—just so you can see this one the Lord saved for eternity, using the AiG ministry. Praise the Lord. This makes it all worthwhile.


During times of stress, and when we are under attack (and we do come under attack from Christians and non-Christians on a daily basis), I praise the Lord for allowing us to hear from people such as Frank and Chari—what an encouragement to us all.

I have also included three other photographs taken at the Shiremanstown meetings.


  1. Dr. Terry Mortenson being prepared with this microphone
  2. People in the auditorium
  3. Participants flocking around the book tables

Deb from our PhotoFX booth at the Creation Museum sent me an interesting photograph with this explanation:

We photographed a very interesting group of three people last week. A lady named Lois and her son and brother. Her brother volunteered the info that her son is 70, he is 80, and she is 90. He also gave me a neat quote. He said when we photograph them, “We’ll add to our collection of dinosaurs and fossils.” They're from Lebanon and West Chester (both cities in Ohio) and Sebring, Florida.


By the way—our Photo FX booth is a very popular and highly visited part of the Creation Museum. You can have your photo taken and put on a variety of backgrounds.


On the way home from the airport last night, I dropped into the AiG complex and was thrilled to see (despite all the rain this past week) the progress made on the Petting Zoo, which will be opened this Friday. Also, the new restrooms at the front of the building are nearing completion.

This Friday (May 23) begins a week of special anniversary celebrations at the Creation Museum, celebrating the first 12 months of the opening of this unique facility. We also expect considerable media coverage.

You can find out more about all the special events at the Creation Museum website. Don’t miss the fireworks this Friday night—they will be spectacular.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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