Answers in Genesis Wall

by Ken Ham on May 15, 2008

Dr. Georgia Purdom, an AiG speaker, writer, and researcher has had an increasing number of opportunities to speak to women’s groups/banquets etc. Georgia is a great communicator and can minister in places we would not normally be invited to. You will find this report from her recent speaking trip interesting and informative:

I thought I would give you a report on my recent event at First Baptist Church in Wauseon, Ohio. The church has been a long-time supporter of Answers in Genesis. They even have an “Answers in Genesis Wall” (see attached photos). They post the posters from Answers magazine, Answers Kids magazine, cartoons, and advertisements for the museum. I’ve also attached a photo of my daughter Elizabeth in front of our resources table—who could resist the resources with that lovely face!


My former college roommate, Melissa, and her family attend the church, and she asked me if I would speak at the Ladies’ Day Banquet that the church was sponsoring. I shared my testimony entitled, “My Plans, God’s Detours.” I spent approximately 10–15 minutes during the testimony discussing the importance of the authority of the Bible, especially as it relates to the history of sin and death, and what a difference that made in dealing with my own trials (especially my mother’s death) even many years after the fact. The ladies responded very positively to the message.

One lady talked to me for approximately 45 minutes afterwards concerning the age of the earth, distant starlight, etc. I saw a real hunger among the ladies for this information and a need to understand the authority of the Word of God when it comes to these issues, especially when it comes to teaching their children. I am so pleased that AiG now has the opportunity to offer these types of events to ladies groups.

On Sunday night I shared my presentation, “Does Genesis Really Matter?” relating the foundational importance of Genesis to the authority of the Bible. I was so excited to see resources getting into the hands of people. I had a friendly “debate” with a gentleman afterwards concerning the merits of presuppositionalism vs. evidentialism. This person believed there was “neutral ground” where evolutionists and creationists can debate the evidence and that the evidentialist approach was better to use with non-Christians. I tried to help him see that neutral ground does not exist because both sides have presuppositions—creationists start with the authority of the Word of God and evolutionists start with the authority of human reasoning. If we as creationists agree to “leave the Bible out of it,” then we are starting with the same presuppositions as the evolutionists and will not be effective. Instead we need to start with the “ultimate argument” by using the Word of God. I hope he will avail himself of the resources we have available on this topic.

On Monday night, I had an informal Q and A with the church’s ladies missionary group. They are very committed to praying for Answers in Genesis, and it was a pleasure to help them learn more about AiG and myself. The pastor wants my friend and her husband, Chris, to speak on the topic of creation/Answers in Genesis once a month in the morning service during their Missionary Moments segment. I praise the Lord for these opportunities and churches who understand the importance of standing on God’s Word.


Reflections on Burma

A report by AiG worldwide Director, Dr. David Crandall, on insights into Myanmar where a cyclone is reported to have killed between 20,000–100,000 people. This is a summary of one of his previous trips there:

The plane landed in Rangoon, Myanmar (Burma), and I was met at the airport by a security detail. This detail was commissioned by the Christians to aid me in entering this communist country. The Christians in Burma could not risk meeting me in such a public place. The thoughts of my arrival and all the details of my trip came flooding back into my mind as I watched the grim reports of a killer cyclone. The press is now saying that over 22,000 people have been killed.

The Christians who were hosting me had climbed to their eighth story place of worship and had prayed continuously until word of my safe arrival and entry into the country was confirmed. I have been praying for all those pastors and their people who gathered that day to greet me in their secret worship place. I wonder out loud if they survived the horrific storm that took so many lives. I pray earnestly that this tragedy will open doors of ministry for these hurting people. I would like to ask all who read this blog to pray for Burma in their great hour of unbelievable death and destruction.

When I arrived on the eighth floor to minister to these people and to dedicate our first Burmese translation, I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at the faith and courage of these Christians. I was told that there are over 650 churches all across the country and that in a recent meeting over 20,000 believers gathered in open fields to worship and study God’s Word for three days. Live animals were brought and slaughtered daily for food to feed this large gathering. God is indeed building His church in Burma in spite of all the persecution and oppression by the communist government.

Every Christian must be “World Wise,” as we are commanded to pray for one another and care for fellow-suffering Christians. Let’s lift our hearts to “Burma with love.”

Back to our first item for the moment. If you are interested in contacting Dr. Georgia Purdom for a speaking engagement, then you can email your request through the website or call the outreach department at AiG.


Dr. Terry Mortenson and I are in Pennsylvania to speak at an ABWE missionary convention, and then at a local church for an AiG conference this Saturday and Sunday. Please pray for the next four days of meetings—the both of us give a large number of presentations during the four days.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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