Warm-hearted Malawian Visits AiG

by Ken Ham on February 22, 2008

Booker K. Banda from Malawi, Africa a church planter and pastor, visited the Creation Museum this past week (see photo of Booker with AiG worldwide director, Dr. David Crandall).


He told us that he has personally started 200 churches in his country and neighboring countries. In Malawi he had never heard of Answers in Genesis or the Creation Museum---so he said that he “was very surprised that such a Museum even existed.” He took a lot of pictures so that he could go tell his country about AiG. AiG WorldWide made agreements with him to translate some of our AiG books into the Chichewa language. Our book, The Lie: Evolution, will be the first to be translated. English is the official language; however, Chichewa is the common national tongue. By the way, in the Chichewa language “Moni” is “hello”; “Zikomo” is “thank you”; and “Mulunga” is “God.”

Malawi is often called the “warm heart of Africa” because the people are considered warm-hearted and friendly. Malawians typically live with their extended families in grass huts that are grouped together in small villages.

Dr. Crandall stated that he was thrilled to make contact with Booker which will now open another country to the creation/biblical authority message of AiG.


Attached are some images AiG’s astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle took of the lunar eclipse during AiG’s Stargazer's event Wednesday night. People really enjoyed the Stargazer program—so don’t miss out on the next one. You can find out about scheduled Stargazer events from the AiG/Creation Museum website. eclipse.jpg


This weekend Dr. David Menton and I are speaking at an AiG conference in Evans (Augusta), Georgia. Carl Kerby is also speaking at a number of meetings.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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