AiG in Sugar Creek

by Ken Ham on March 22, 2006

Buddy Davis and Mike Riddle spoke at a church in Amish Country (at a place called Sugar Creek) this past weekend. They sent this report:

At this conference, a young boy (probably around 10 or 11 years old) came up and said that he was saved through watching the Creation Adventure Team videos. He had believed in evolution and millions of years until watching these videos.

What a testimony as to the teaching that we can do for the younger ages. A real small Mennonite girl came up to Buddy and said in a shy voice, “Could you sing the Woodpecker Song?” He was able to do it for her, and she was thrilled. A lot of the congregation at the church used to be Amish or Mennonite and there were a lot of Amish guests.

AND—AiG in Mississippi

Dr. Tommy Mitchell, one of our adjunct speakers, sent a great report from Mississippi. Tommy is becoming more well-known as a popular AiG communicator.

From March 10th to the 13th, I was privileged to participate in a series of meetings in Picayune, MS. Thirteen sessions were held over the course of four days. It was wonderful to see how the Lord began to work in the hearts and minds of those attending the meetings. Saturday morning saw a fine turnout at the men’s prayer breakfast for a presentation of “We’re Taking Them Back!” Thirty-eight men attended, to the delight of the planners, who said they really only expected a dozen. The men had many questions, and some returned that evening for the youth talks.

Saturday evening, despite the Billy Graham crusade all weekend in New Orleans, 60 people attended the youth rally. Of these, about a quarter were adults, some home school parents from other towns. The first presentation, “Jurassic Prank: A Dinosaur Tale,” used clips from Jurassic Park to show the truth and fallacies about dinosaurs. The second presentation, “After Their Kind,” dealt with the distinction between natural selection and evolution.

The Lord’s day was truly a blessing. I spoke in both worship services and during the Sunday school hour. The attendance for these sessions was between 350–400 people. They heard me speak on “Why Genesis Matters” and “Are You Intimidated?” After the final morning session, the pastor stood before the congregation and told them that this message was “100% right!” He recounted his years in the ministry; seeing many young people fall away from church attendance. He agreed that equipping young people to have answers would help them stand against the humanistic worldview they would be facing as they grew. His heart was that his congregation would not consider Genesis “just a side issue.” The people did respond with enthusiasm, most returning for both evening sessions. The day ended with a very lively question and answer period.

Monday morning the doors were open to speak in two Christian elementary/middle schools, with about 50 inquisitive and interactive children in each audience. Many of the children were surprised to learn the answer to “Were There Dinosaurs on the Ark?” The final evening, Monday, was attended by 96 enthusiastic people who amen-ed, along with the pastor, during the “God of Suffering?” presentation. The entire weekend was bathed in prayer by people with a zeal for the message wrapped in a spirit of meekness before our arrival and during the whole event.

On Thursday morning at Staff Devotion time, Dr. David Crandall will bring a report on his recent trip to Asia. You will be able to listen to his report in my Friday blog entry.

Thanks for stopping by,


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