Update from Alabama

by Ken Ham on July 9, 2005

I spoke twice at the final day of the Alabama Home School Conference today. Again, there were lots of responses: Here a few samples (including a negative one):

A 75 year old, quite fiesty lady came up to me and "blasted" me for saying that the church by and large has compromised with evolution and/or millions of years. She said she's never heard of anyone doing that, and she claimed that all the people in her church didn't do that. I asked her could all the people in her church give an answer to the dinosaur question. She said "of course they could." But, she had no idea—for whatever reason, she really emotionally reacted to my talk on Creation Evangelism. She was not a "happy camper." She didn't want to listen to me and basically walked off. Well, you can't win them all!

One couple came up to me and the wife said, "thank you" and then tears ran down her cheeks—they were both so appreciative. We talked for quite a while about a number of things.

One man came and said "I really liked what you said—I hope it was from the Lord—I hope you are right—makes sense—I liked it--I hope you are right!" He sounded convinced!!

One young man who just finished a degree in theology was so appreciative of the information. In fact, quite a number of young men came up at various time to sincerely thank me for teaching them—what a blessing to see this younger generation standing on the authority of the Word.

I had a number of people tell me they were obtaining material to go back and try and influence their church and pastor. One man said he attended a large church the was really into a church growth philosophy that was really watering down the teaching of the Word—he was hoping to run a Creation class using AiG DVD's etc. to try to influence people's thinking concerning the authority of the Bible.

One person said "thanks for showing me my 'Greekness.'" This person was referring to the Creation Evangelism talk where I explain the difference between "Jews" and "Greeks" in regard to presenting the gospel (this topic is discussed in the book —Why Won't They Listen?).

At the end of the conference I spent nearly three hours with a creation scientist who may be able to be a great help to AiG. I am continuing to pursue a relationship with this person who has the potential of being a great asset to the Creation ministry.

Thanks for stopping by,


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