Exposed in various rock layers are large structures that look very much like ocean reefs preserved in stone.
Granite rocks exhibit mysterious black spheres, known as radiohalos.
Were enough plants alive at the time of the Flood to produce huge reserves of coal so quickly?
The big bang model has proven to be quite pliable, morphing to adapt to each new problem. Are these changes true improvements or rescuing devices?
The tiny black flecks found in granite testify to a powerful and recent worldwide Flood. But you have to look closely.
Radiometric dating is often used to “prove” rocks are millions of years old.
Dr. David DeWitt responds to claims that the creation model is not scientific and does not make predictions.
Answers Research Journal was started in 2008 to glorify the Creator by evaluating scientific findings in light of Scripture.
Sometime in its past, the earth’s moon was pounded with thousands upon thousands of meteors. Is it possible to reconstruct the sequence of these strikes?
The human cloning method of Shoukhrat Mitalipov’s group re-ignites the bioethics of the human embryonic stem cell debate at a whole new level.
Our goal is to bring together some of the finest minds in creation research.
What unique forces brought emeralds to the earth’s surface for us to enjoy?
Christians should keep several things in mind when participating in online forums and discussion groups.
Geologists have discovered a great mystery—tiny black circles, called radiohalos, formed by polonium decay. Where'd it come from, and where'd it go?
How do creationists explain dates of 50,000 years?
God has given us a means to behold His glory. But our ability to see clearly demands an unobstructed view through both God-given lenses.
If our genes and cells arose randomly through competition for supremacy, then how can we explain so many wonderful processes where cells are programmed to sacrifice themselves?
If a door is not securely fastened, it doesn’t take long before the hinges will come loose. The same is true of faith.
Science is a powerful, God-given tool, but only the Bible is true in every aspect.
In April 2010, a press conference was held in Hong Kong to announce to the world the potential discovery of the remains of Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat. What are we to make of these claims?
Our contemporary Christian culture has slipped into some flawed views of biblical authority. Among them is the attitude that it’s good to know what the Bible says but we can turn to other sources
The most amazing thing about lightning bugs is their ability to produce light.
We must consider why the scriptural geologists wrote on this subject, summarize the contemporary reactions to their writings, and then analyze the reasons for the reactions of their opponents.
“The Bible contains truth,” we often hear. But what do such words really mean? Behind them is a flawed view of biblical authority, with deadly consequences.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.