What has a wingspan of over 29 feet, swims 24 hours a day, and can leap higher than 6 feet in a single bound?
Martin Luther called the church back to the Bible’s authority over 500 years ago. New attacks in our scientific age demand a new reformation.
There are so few colleges that stand on God’s Word and teach a truly biblical worldview from the Bible’s very first verse, but Maranatha Baptist University is one.
Dads have such an important role. And it’s not a role given to them by the government or the culture—it’s a responsibility given to them by God.
Sights like a lunar eclipse are possible only because of our moon’s unique relationship to the earth.
Does denying miracles blind archaeologists to their finds?
How can we be sure the days of creation were six literal 24-hour days?
Some birds don’t know when to quit, like the great frigatebird. It’s uniquely designed to stay aloft for weeks without touching the ground.
The Creator equipped numerous animals, large and small, with astonishing tools to find their way as they migrate around the world.
Imagine dinosaurs living with people. It’s the only reasonable conclusion if the Bible is true.
Flat-earthers falsely claim that Polaris remains motionless in the sky as all other stars circle it. However, appearances can be deceiving.
Modern technology can help people in great need. But what if technology can be repurposed to enhance healthy people beyond their natural limits?
We know death and suffering aren’t God’s fault—they are the result of living in a sin-cursed world. And Bible-believing Christians have hope in the midst of pain.
Improbability doesn’t convince die-hard evolutionists to abandon their view. As a Christian, I prefer deductions (as in geometry proofs) to counter evolution.
Disneyland’s tagline is “The Happiest Place on Earth.” But is Disney becoming “The Most Woke Place on Earth”?
When we humans face intense heat, severe cold, or too little water, we can retreat inside the comforts of our homes. But for animals, that isn’t an option.
In 1955, an amateur fossil hunter found a bizarre fossil in Illinois. To this day, the exact nature of this monster remains a mystery.
One argument that has surfaced in the pro-abortion camp is the unborn baby in the womb is merely a parasite, taking what it needs at the expense of the mother.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.