Answers Update

  • Darwin’s Sad Legacy (April)
    April 14, 2009

    After rejecting the true history of the world, Charles Darwin was never able to reconcile the existence of death, disease, and struggle with the character of a loving God.

  • Darwin’s Sad Legacy
    March 23, 2009

    What is not so commonly known is that there have been adverse parts of Darwin’s legacy that many of his followers have either denied or kept from public knowledge.

  • Nietzsche Was Right!
    Feb. 27, 2009

    many Americans are oblivious to the fact that atheists—with a fervent belief there is no God—are aggressively trying to impose that belief on the culture.

  • One Nation Under . . . Man?
    Jan. 27, 2009

    “In man we trust”? Surely, that wouldn’t happen in America. Right?

  • The Year of Darwin
    Jan. 8, 2009

    A disturbing trend throughout the past 50 years has been the growing stridency and unabashed dogmatism of evolutionists.

  • The “I Can’t Know” Religion
    Dec. 30, 2008

    Several times over the years I’ve encountered worshippers in what I would call the “I Can’t Know” religion.

  • For Whom Should We Vote?
    Oct. 23, 2008

    How should we pick among candidates? What is the “heart” of the issue?

  • Talking to Aliens?
    Sept. 8, 2008

    The Creator of the universe has already communicated with us, yet a U.S. agency is using your tax dollars to teach students how to communicate with aliens!

  • How Many Doors?
    Aug. 11, 2008

    Around 57% of self-described evangelicals believe that many religions lead to heaven. But is that what God says?

  • Building up the Arsenal
    July 15, 2008

    Some time ago, a secular reporter accused me of promoting violence. It was because he saw AiG’s classic “castles illustration” we often use, which really sums up the spiritual battle AiG is fighting.

  • Subscriber-Only
    Discernment Lacking
    June 16, 2008

    There is a great need in the church to train Christians to be more discerning about biblical truths—and not let those who espouse naturalistic science prompt them to reinterpret Genesis.

  • “My Ways [Are] Higher than Your Ways”
    May 19, 2008

    The vision started over 30 years ago, when—as a public school science teacher in Australia—I took my students to a local natural history museum.

  • So Obvious, Even a Child Gets It!
    April 29, 2008

    Even with such intense indoctrination, secularists complain that creationists are increasingly successful in countering the evolution/long ages message.

  • All to the Glory of God
    April 7, 2008

    Even though a major AiG emphasis is the evolution/creation issue, the real goal is to see the confidence of believers grow in the accuracy and truthfulness of all of the Bible.

  • Change the Culture?
    March 17, 2008

    AiG’s thrust is to uphold the authority of God’s Word as we not only provide answers to the questions of skeptics, but also preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and see people won to the Lord.

  • Feb. 28, 2008

    In un mondo che si fa beffe dell’idea di un Diluvio mondiale, che cosa comunicano realmente queste “Arche da vasca da bagno”?

  • The Church—a Relic
    Jan. 15, 2008

    The church could very well become a “relic” in America if God’s people don’t deal with the foundational nature of the problem that has produced the sad situation in the U.K. today.

  • It’s All in a Name
    Nov. 13, 2007

    It’s actually quite interesting to know how we became Answers in Genesis, and why we don’t just deal with the creation/evolution issue.

  • Back to School “the Temples”
    Oct. 22, 2007

    Most people (including in the Christian world) have the erroneous idea that public schools are somehow “neutral” settings.

  • Goose-Stepping to Zion?
    March 20, 2007

    Who are the world’s “new fascists,” according to a new Simon and Schuster book composed by a former New York Times correspondent?

  • Evolving Agendas
    Feb. 19, 2007

    Ken Ham writes about bias against Christians in modern television.

  • The Trouble with TV
    Jan. 22, 2007

    What do the TV shows The Simpsons, Family Guy, and The Sopranos all have in common?

  • Subscriber-Only
    I Am Ashamed ...
    Jan. 1, 2007

    "I just finished watching “Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?” for the second time in as many days. Dr. Mortenson nearly brought us both [the wife, too] to tears..."


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