Watch Bryan Osborne as he shares a quick introduction to his newest book, Quick Answers to Social Issues, on the day it was released at the Creation Museum.
It’s imperative that Christians be ready to give answers to today’s questions! Thus, the passion and purpose of this book is to equip you with clear, concise biblical answers to effectively stand on God’s Word and boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ on the frontlines of today’s battle!
Get answers for some of the toughest questions of the day regarding:
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" I loved Bryan’s first Quick Answers book and this second volume is just as impactful. Bryan provides biblical insights into today’s hot-button issues, clearing away the clouds of confusion our culture has created by highlighting and always bringing it back to the true nature of the battle — God’s Word vs. man’s word. This is a resource every teen and adult needs to read!"
—Ken Ham, CEO Answers in Genesis
These great resources will help you stand strong in your defense of the truth of God's Word. Save at least 20% off retail prices when you use code ANSWERS20 in your cart. Expires April 30, 2020.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.