We’ve taken all 20 of our extremely popular and color illustrated pocket guides—the perfect size for purse or glove box—and combined them with an unbelievably low price. Note: Additional discounts do not apply to this highly discounted pack.
How is the biblical account of the tower of Babel described? Why were the people disobedient toward God? Did all ~7,000 languages today come out of Babel? How did those scattering from Babel travel? What should Christians take away from this event in history?
Buy IndividuallyWhat is the truth about climate change? Are the ice caps melting? Is man the chief cause of global warming? How does solar activity affect the earth’s climate? What should Christians do about climate change?
Buy IndividuallyCan we really believe the biblical account of Noah’s ark? How could it hold all those animals? How could Noah care for all of them? What did Noah’s ark look like? Has Noah’s ark been found? Why do different cultures have similar flood legends?
Buy IndividuallyIs there a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Were the days of creation really long ages? Can’t we just add evolution to the Bible? What’s so bad about believing in millions of years?
Buy IndividuallyWhen does life begin? What about stem cells, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, abortion, and racism? Where do human rights come from? How do we know what is moral?
Buy IndividuallyWhat are we to make of the many UFO sightings that have been reported? Have aliens visited earth? What does the Bible say about UFOs and ETs?
Buy IndividuallyWho is Satan? When was he created? When did he fall? Was Satan the serpent in the garden of Eden? Are there other fallen angels? What will become of Satan?
Buy IndividuallyDoes science, by definition, have to be materialistic? Is there a difference between operational science and historical science? Does a belief in biblical creation help or hinder scientific inquiry? Have creation scientists made any successful predictions?
Buy IndividuallyDid the universe start with a big bang? Does distant starlight prove the universe is old? What are black holes and how do they form? Is the gospel written in the stars?
Buy IndividuallyIs the earth billions of years old or just thousands? Are radiometric methods of dating rocks and fossils reliable? What evidences support a young age for the earth?
Buy IndividuallyWhat is the best evidence for a young earth? What are presuppositions, and how do they figure into the age-of-the-earth debate? Haven’t scientists proven that the earth is old? What does an old earth say about the character of God?
Buy IndividuallyWere the days of the creation account in Genesis 24-hour days or long periods of time? What did Jesus believe and teach about Genesis? How are we to interpret yom, the Hebrew word for day? Does one have to be a young-earth creationist to be saved?
Buy IndividuallyWhat really happened to the dinosaurs? Did they live and then die out millions of years ago? Or have they lived recently, alongside man? Did dinosaurs evolve into birds? Are there dinosaurs alive today?
Buy IndividuallyHow did Charles Darwin come to believe in evolution? What is natural selection? Was Darwin converted to Christianity? Was Darwin right about evolution? What are the social outcomes of evolution?
Buy IndividuallyDid humans evolve from apelike creatures? Have scientists found fossils of the missing link? Does the similarity between human and chimp DNA point to common ancestry?
Buy IndividuallyIs atheism a religion? Do atheists have a basis for morality? What are the logical results of an atheistic worldview? What are the goals and tactics of the “New Atheists”?
Buy IndividuallyHave you ever heard an argument that just didn’t seem right to you? Do you want to know how to recognize faulty arguments? Do you want to be equipped to defend your faith logically?
Buy IndividuallyWhy are there 66 books in the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Is the Bible enough? Are there contradictions? Is it time for a new reformation? Why is a biblical worldview important?
Buy IndividuallyCan we really believe the biblical account of a global flood? Is there evidence in the earth that confirms the biblical account? How was Grand Canyon formed? How did fossils of seashells get on the highest mountains?
Buy IndividuallyHow does the human body react to emergencies? Is the human eye really a bad design, as evolutionists like to point out? How is the human brain better than any supercomputer? What’s so amazing about skin and bones?
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We all have questions, but as Christians we are commanded to be ready to give a defense for our faith, as well. This exciting series of apologetics pocket guides will help you effectively deal with the critical questions facing our culture today. Here you will find concise text and color illustrations . . . so you will always be equipped with solid answers! One each of all twenty pocket guides.
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.