reEngage Conference Set

List Price: $77.94
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  • Format: DVD Set
  • Dimensions: 5.25" x 7.5"
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2018
  • ID: 1002346
  • SKU: 40-1-510
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:
  • Includes optional English subtitles

The reEngage Conference brought Ken Ham and Andrew Snelling to re-engage Christians in their church, community and culture. Now you can watch the conference from home!

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Ken Ham and Andrew Snelling spoke at the reEngage Conference in Australia in 2017. ReEngage is an annual conference organized by Operation 513 that is designed to encourage Christians to re-engage in their church; in their community and in their culture. Each year the conference hosts Godly and passionate, local and global speakers, who will provide vibrant teaching, practical apologetics and a Gospel-centered worldview.

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Ken Ham

Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Each year, the two attractions host over 1.5 million guests.

Dr. Andrew A. Snelling

Dr. Andrew A. Snelling

Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Snelling is active in research, writing and also speaking on topics such as the flood, fossils, the Grand Canyon, and the radioactive dating of rocks.

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