Is Genesis History?

Two Competing Views ... One Compelling Truth

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  • Format: DVD
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 101 minutes
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Compass Cinema
  • Published: 2017
  • ID: 1001720
  • SKU: 30-9-679
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:
  • Includes optional English subtitles

Join Dr. Del Tackett of The Truth Project as he hikes through canyons, climbs up mountains, and dives below the sea to explore the truth behind the history recorded in Genesis.

Includes "A Useful Little Guide to the Film" booklet


The powerful & superb documentary shown in sold-out theaters across the country.

Is Genesis History? is a comprehensive documentary featuring over a dozen scientists and scholars looking at the world and explaining how it intersects with the history recorded in Genesis. From rock layers to fossils to lions to stars, this fascinating film will challenge and change the way you see the world.

Is Genesis History? shines new light on our origins, providing a positive argument for Biblical Creation and the Flood. Dr. Del Tackett, creator of The Truth Project, serves as your guide—hiking through canyons, climbing up mountains, and diving below the sea—in an exploration of two competing views ... one compelling truth.

Also see Is Genesis History? experts and locations.

"Nothing in the world makes sense except in the light of Genesis."
—Dr. Del Tackett


Feature Documentary - 101 min

Bonus Features:

  • Q&A with Del Tackett & Scientists - 13 min
  • The Ice Age & Climate Change: Larry Vardiman, PhD - 15 min
  • Engineering the Universe: Stuart Burgess, PhD -18 min
  • The Church and Creation- Douglas Kelly, PhD - 12 min

Language: English with subtitles available in both Spanish and English

More by authors


Dr. Danny R. Faulkner

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner

Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in physics from Clemson University, an MA and a PhD in astronomy from Indiana University, and he taught at the University of South Carolina—Lancaster for over 26 years. He has published over 100 papers in various journals.

Danny works as a researcher, author, and speaker for Answers in Genesis. He also hosts Ark Encounter trips down to Red River Gorge (in eastern Kentucky), and Stargazer’s Nights (at the Johnson Observatory); he also hosts Astronomy Live programs, and “The Skies Proclaim His Handiwork” workshops at the Creation Museum.

Dr. Andrew A. Snelling

Dr. Andrew A. Snelling

Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Snelling is active in research, writing and also speaking on topics such as the flood, fossils, the Grand Canyon, and the radioactive dating of rocks.

Dr. Steve Austin

Dr. Kevin Anderson


I am thrilled that we were able to support this high-quality documentary. Two of our AiG scientists—geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling and astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner—were interviewed for the film, along with many other highly qualified creation scientists. Through scientific, theological, and historical data, the question “is Genesis history?” was answered with a resounding “yes!”

I encourage everyone to watch this powerful documentary. Pastors and churches, consider streaming the film for your congregation or youth/young adult group. Invite skeptics to come and be challenged by the authority of God’s Word—beginning in Genesis—and by the amazing evidences that are shown. Christian schools and homeschooling parents, show it to your students in science class. Parents and grandparents, sit down with your kids or grandkids and enjoy a movie night that will equip you to stand firm in your faith. Everyone should watch this documentary!

—Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis & The Ark Encounter

With its beautiful photography and masterful use of leading PhD creation scientists, this powerful film will encourage the faith of Christians who believe Genesis regarding Noah's Flood and the age of the earth, and challenge Christians who have accepted millions of years to rethink that position. I believe it will penetrate the minds of non-Christians, too, opening them to the truth of the Bible and therefore the truth of the gospel. May God mightily use this film in many people's lives and help to call our nation back to the Word of God and from nation-destroying moral insanity.

—Terry Mortenson, PhD, Answers in Genesis

Is Genesis History? is God-glorifying common sense—a wonderful exposition of the brilliant mind of our Creator in a way that is understandable.

—Ray Comfort, CEO of Living Waters

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