I am thrilled that we were able to support this high-quality documentary. Two of our AiG scientists—geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling and astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner—were interviewed for the film, along with many other highly qualified creation scientists. Through scientific, theological, and historical data, the question “is Genesis history?” was answered with a resounding “yes!”
I encourage everyone to watch this powerful documentary. Pastors and churches, consider streaming the film for your congregation or youth/young adult group. Invite skeptics to come and be challenged by the authority of God’s Word—beginning in Genesis—and by the amazing evidences that are shown. Christian schools and homeschooling parents, show it to your students in science class. Parents and grandparents, sit down with your kids or grandkids and enjoy a movie night that will equip you to stand firm in your faith. Everyone should watch this documentary!
—Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis & The Ark Encounter
With its beautiful photography and masterful use of leading PhD creation scientists, this powerful film will encourage the faith of Christians who believe Genesis regarding Noah's Flood and the age of the earth, and challenge Christians who have accepted millions of years to rethink that position. I believe it will penetrate the minds of non-Christians, too, opening them to the truth of the Bible and therefore the truth of the gospel. May God mightily use this film in many people's lives and help to call our nation back to the Word of God and from nation-destroying moral insanity.
—Terry Mortenson, PhD, Answers in Genesis
Is Genesis History? is God-glorifying common sense—a wonderful exposition of the brilliant mind of our Creator in a way that is understandable.
—Ray Comfort, CEO of Living Waters