Finally you can explore human anatomy & physiology in a Creator-honoring way!
The average person eats about 100,000 pounds of food during his lifetime. Have you ever considered what happens in the body to make use of all those grains, meats, and vegetables—plus all those fun sweets? Did you know that your stomach produces hydrochloric acid, and your colon harbors more than 400 distinct species of helpful bacteria?
The adult digestive system is amazing. The digestive tract itself is 20–30 feet long. It takes about two hours for food to be rhythmically propelled through this system, during which carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. “Accessory glands” such as the pancreas, liver, and salivary glands aid in the digestive process and the utilization of food to make the fuel that the body uses for growth and metabolism.
Join Dr. Menton as he uses computer graphics and anatomy models to reveal intriguing facts that inspire you to eat properly and to give glory to Christ the Creator!
Part 1: 37 mins. Part 2: 37 mins. | Audience: Teens & Adults
A Body of Evidence DVD Study Questions (book) is available to get the most benefit from the Body of Evidence series.
Save when you purchase the Body of Evidence boxed set containing all eight 2-part videos.
About the Body of Evidence series
Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator’s wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life.
Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is a 16-part series. Great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator. Produced in cooperation with the AFA Homeschool Channel.
Other DVDs available in this series: