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Body of Evidence 5: Respiratory System (Lungs)

Featuring Dr. David Menton
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  • Format: DVD
  • Dimensions: 5.25" x 7.5"
  • Length: 93 minutes
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2011
  • ID: 1000407
  • SKU: 30-9-338
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

The human respiratory system—of which the lungs are the largest component—is the most high-tech air purification and conditioning system on earth.


Finally you can explore human anatomy & physiology in a Creator-honoring way!

The human respiratory system—of which the lungs are the largest component—is the most high-tech air purification and conditioning system on earth. Although we don’t normally think about how smoothly and effectively our lungs work unless they start to malfunction, practically every human is launched into life with two of them!

Finely tuned yet sturdy enough for 90 years or longer on this earth, our lungs are ventilated with voluntary muscles about 20 times every minute and yet we breathe all day without even thinking about it.

Man has never designed a workable substitute for blood. Blood plasma carries nutrients; red blood cells bind life-sustaining oxygen to hemoglobin; white blood cells combat infections and diseases; small cell fragments called platelets patch up holes in our blood vessels and keep us from bleeding to death.

Part 1: 38 mins.   Part 2: 33 mins. |  Audience:  Teens & Adults

A Body of Evidence DVD Study Questions (book) is available to get the most benefit from the Body of Evidence series.

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About the Body of Evidence series

Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body. Dr. Menton is loved worldwide for his humorous and insightful talks that leave audiences in hushed awe at the Creator's wisdom. In this series, Menton employs anatomical props, models, and microscopic images to teach about God's amazing designs for life.

Geared for teens and adults, Body of Evidence is a 16-part series. Great for anyone studying the human body, plus all who want to be able to show their skeptical friends some of the most amazing designs that point unmistakably to our Creator. Produced in cooperation with the AFA Homeschool Channel.

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