Too many church leaders have wittingly or unwittingly undermined the authority of God’s Word in Genesis, which has contributed to considerable damage generationally to the church and its effectiveness in the culture. In his book Scoffers, Simon Turpin uses his theological training, in-depth biblical research, and vast experience in the creation apologetic ministry to challenge those who would reject the Genesis account of creation and the Flood as literal history. A fresh approach to give needed understanding to God’s revelation in Genesis, the age of the earth, and the promise of the final glorious redemption of creation. Another unique publication all Christians should devour.
—Ken Ham, CEO, Answers in Genesis
In this book Simon shows why the events of creation and the global Flood are crucial to understanding the message of the Bible, especially the Gospel
of salvation. The warnings given in the second letter of Peter are very relevant for today
—Stuart Burgess, Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Bristol (UK)
This book shows in crystal clear reasoning that if we accept the authority of God’s Word as believers, and in particular the second epistle of Peter, then we must accept the supernatural creation of the world followed by the historical global, catastrophic Flood which is taught clearly in this epistle. Simon Turpin shows first the canonicity of 2 Peter and then using 2 Peter itself argues that the growing heresy within the church of believing Genesis to be a non-historical myth is precisely what Peter is warning would happen in the last days. Turpin rightly argues that these very days of apostasy are marked by many in the evangelical community not accepting the authority of Genesis, and that this is linked with an unbelief in the coming judgement upon the world and the Return of Christ. All Christian leaders need to read this excellent book, written by one who is a well-trained theologian
—Andy C. McIntosh, Emeritus Professor of Thermodynamics, University of Leeds (UK) ...