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Ken Ham gives us a powerful message about the importance of raising strong believers who can stand in the face of a world that will challenge, disparage, and seek to eliminate their faith. A "must read" for today's Christian parent!
Our children are facing cultural “giants” that previous generations could never have imagined. Secularism, depravity, immorality, and apathy taunt Christians with a barrage of hate and intolerance. Will our children be equipped to stand strong against these giants, or will they be overcome? That is the question Christian parents are asking. In this book, Ken Ham gives us a powerful and up-to-date message about the importance of raising strong believers who can stand in the face of a world that will challenge, disparage, and seek to eliminate their faith. He also helps prepare parents to equip the next generation to thrive in the face of cultural adversity and emerge as tomorrow’s Christian leaders.
Includes an exclusive interview with Mally Ham as she shares her story of the challenges met and sacrifices made to support their ministry and to raise a family of faith.
“This is a very different book—certainly different from anything I’ve written so far. It is part journal, part tribute, part devotional, and part ‘how-to.’ It’s also all heart, an expression of a passion, conviction, and commitment to the Word of God, all of which was instilled in me by my parents. It’s very personal too, as I offer glimpses into my childhood, adult life, and a number of my life experiences. You will find these glimpses sometimes humorous, frustrating, or convicting, but as learning experiences for us all.”
— Ken Ham (From the Introduction)
Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Each year, the two attractions host over 1.5 million guests.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.