…You may already be aware that Dale (Mason) is the visionary behind our multi-award-winning Answers magazine, read by hundreds of thousands of people each year…Several years ago, when Dale reached one of those ‘big decade’ birthday markers, he shared a concern with me. He had been unable to find a book with a solid overview of the entire Bible that was written at an easy-to-read level that included faith-confirming apologetics. Well, I challenged Dale to write it himself! So he did! And what a unique publication it is, filling a niche that had been missing for a long time … It will give you an overview of the whole Bible and equip you with answers to help defend your faith. You will love the way Dale has made the major accounts in the Bible flow from one event to the next. It’s nearly seamless, and in a way that the whole Bible makes so much more sense. With Dale’s book, it is now so much easier to see how Jesus is prophesied in Genesis chapter 3 and is active behind the scenes throughout the entire Old Testament. …And with the illustrations and the one-of-a-kind timeline at the back, the book is one of the very best ways that parents and teens can get a great overview of the whole Bible quickly. …In as little as one weekend, or 52 days of daily devotional times, an adult or teen will understand the big cornerstone events of the Bible. Along the way, they will get to know fun and little-known facts about many of the most-referenced characters of the Bible. Enjoy and be blessed by this wonderful book. (excerpted from Ken’s Foreword in this book)
—Ken Ham, President/CEO Answers in Genesis
To pen a book that is a concise yet profoundly meaningful summary of the most strategic events in the Bible is an ambitious goal, but one that Dale Mason has met well! ... Mason has crafted an overview that gives the reader an exciting new perspective and the essential context on events they may have read about many times. The 10 Minute Bible Journey is as well-suited as a personal devotional, as it is for group Bible Study and one-on-one discipleship. I highly recommend this book for men and women of all ages!
—Cathy Allen, COO, Love Worth Finding Ministries with Adrian Rogers
Love it! The writing style is extremely engaging and the presentation of biblical history is phenomenally seamless. The events selected to articulate the panoramic biblical historical perspective are extremely well chosen.
—Bryan Osborne, AiG apologetics speaker & chronological teaching specialist
I can not even express how much I am enjoying The 10 Minute Bible Journey. WOW! What a great book! My family and I are learning and growing through it and it has blessed us so big. It literally is one of my very favorite books ever.
—Joshua Houser, Seeds Family Worship Missionary
The 10 Minute Bible Journey gives us the proverbial box top to the Bible puzzle. In concise and easily digestible portions, Dale Mason leads us through the timeline of the Bible and shows the 30,000 foot view that puts everything into perspective. People constantly ask me for a resource they can use to lead their family through the Bible in a systematic way...now I have the perfect resource to recommend to them! This is a useful tool for parents, students, church leaders and anyone doing discipleship ministry. …Nothing is more important in this world than knowing God as He has revealed Himself through His Word; and The 10 Minute Bible Journey will help you to accomplish that in an interesting, creative and powerful way.
—Israel Wayne, author, conference speaker Director of Family Renewal LLC
The 10 Minute Bible Journey gives readers an easy to understand overview of the story of the world. I’ve been waiting for a book like this!
—Tim Wildmon, President, American Family Association
...The Ten Minute Bible Journey is a great devotional book that will help guide students from Genesis to Revelation. Each page is a highlight of key events throughout biblical history. This text does not shy away from the depravity of man, but instead it highlights our need for a savior from the point of corruption. This book compliments the AIG biblical timeline . . . . Each section gives a synopsis of the biblical event along with guided reading from the Bible. At the end of each reading there is a key verse that ties in God’s interlacing word and then each section ends with a wrap-up prayer section. This text will challenge students to dig deep into God’s word and embrace a habit of searching out the scriptures.
—Stephen Hart, Discipleship Pastor, South River Baptist Church, NC