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Unwrapping the Pharaohs

How Egyptian Archaeology Confirms the Biblical Timeline

Written by Dr. John Ashton and David Down
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  • Format: fixed-layout epub, pdf
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 240 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2006
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-3-189
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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  • Unwrapping the Pharaohs (PDF - 46.8 MB)
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  • Unwrapping the Pharaohs: Digging up the Past with David Down - An Interview with David Down (SD (480p) MP4 - 80.6 MB)
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  • Unwrapping the Pharaohs: Digging up the Past with David Down - Pyramids and Mummies (SD (480p) MP4 - 383.0 MB)
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  • Unwrapping the Pharaohs: Digging up the Past with David Down - Temples and Tombs (SD (480p) MP4 - 312.6 MB)
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Secular textbooks and videos discredit the biblical account of Exodus. Those who wish to defend the accuracy of the Bible now have an incredible tool—this book provides compelling confirmation of the biblical account.

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This beautiful book folds out to reveal glossy 11x17 layouts of the Egyptian pyramids, ancient tombs, tablets, and mummies. Plus authors John Ashton and David Down provide fascinating information about the architecture, timelines, and culture of Egypt during the times of Moses, Joseph, “King Tut,” and others. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve within the secret rooms of the pharaohs and find an astonishing connection to the biblical chronology.

Adults and children alike are fascinated by Egyptian civilization. But most modern archaeologists have lately tried to use Egyptian chronology to dispute the biblical record. Secular textbooks and videos challenge the faith of students and discredit the biblical account of Exodus. Those who wish to defend the accuracy of the Bible now have an incredible tool in this exciting book that provides compelling confirmation of the biblical account. Includes a free download!

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