The Chronology of the Old Testament

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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 8.5" x 11"
  • Length: 300 pages
  • Technicality: Semi-Technical
  • Grade: 10 - Adult
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2005
  • ID: 1000039
  • SKU: 10-3-097
  • ISBN: 9780890514160
  • UPC:

Beginning with the creation account recorded in the first two chapters of Genesis, the continuous unbroken line of dated events embedded within the Holy Scriptures is logically followed to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Chronology of the Old Testament has one goal to accomplish: to demonstrate "that every chronological statement contained in the Sacred Writ is consistent with all other chronological statements contained therein." Author Floyd Nolen Jones carefully and thoroughly investigates that chronological and mathematical facts of the Old Testament, proving them to be accurate and reliable. This biblically sound, scholarly, and easy-to-understand book will enlighten and astound its readers with solutions and alternatives to many questions Bible scholars have had over the centuries.

A standard chronology of the Old Testament has been constructed utilizing diagrams, charts, and other forms of graphic representation which addresses this complex subject in a scriptural and scholarly, yet easy to understand, manner. Beginning with the creation account recorded in the first two chapters of Genesis, the continuous unbroken line of dated events embedded within the Holy Scriptures is logically followed as it spans across forty centuries to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be demonstrated that every chronological statement contained in the Sacred Writ is consistent with all other chronological statements contained therein.


  • Scriptural solutions to many biblical mathematical controversies
  • Sir Robert Anderson's calculation error corrected
  • The 483-year prophecy of Daniel 9:25 explained
  • A scriptural formula which biblically synchronizes the kingdoms of Judah and Israel
  • 48 charts, graphs, and diagrams included in text
  • Fully indexed with complete bibliography
  • Supports and updates James Ussher's Annals of the World

In addition to the 300-page hardback book, this chronology also includes over 100 pages of charts and timelines that graphically present the information in the book. With reliable explanatory text, detailed charts, and diagrams, this book provides a systematic framework of the chronology of the Bible from Genesis through the life of Christ. No Bible scholar should be without this indispensable reference tool.

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Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones

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