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Christian values, traditions, and terminologies that were once common knowledge have become a thing of the past. This book will help you understand how to effectively reach the lost with a message of salvation that actually makes sense. Note: Bulk cases are sold at significant savings per item. We are unable to provide free economy shipping for these deeply discounted items.
The culture has changed! Christian values and traditions, even terms that were once common knowledge, have become a thing of the past. Many in today's important millennial generation say that the typical Sunday morning sermon sounds more like a foreign language than a clear call to salvation.
In this compelling new book, Ken Ham passionately communicates the soul-saving essentials of creation evangelism using two very different sermons from the book of Acts. Each was designed to reach a different audience—the churched vs. the unchurched, Jew vs. Gentile—to effectively reach the lost. Gospel Reset is perhaps the most strategic and timely book on evangelism today. A must-read for family and church leaders.
Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Each year, the two attractions host over 1.5 million guests.
“ Things have changed, yes even the world we live in. However, our message is unchanging and Ken Ham gives clear, concise, and compelling hope to reach this changing world with the good news of Christ. ”
“ When we understand the times, we will know what to do. This even includes the way that we communicate the gospel with other people. The Gospel Reset book by Ken Ham presents the enormous challenges we face today, but thankfully, it also gives us practical ways we can communicate this gospel in a relevant way effectively. Anyone who desires to share Christ with other people or proclaim God’s Word in today’s world, needs to read this book. Get one for yourself and then share another one with a friend. ”
“ Ken Ham has provided an incredibly urgent, clear and compelling resource that will help Christians everywhere to be strong in their faith and able to speak Gospel truth in today's culture. As a pastor I am very excited to have this book as I know it will help our church in its mission to reach our generation for Christ. ”
“ The unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ is the hope of our ever changing world. But what if our presentation of it keeps people from hearing it or responding to it? That’s the premise of Ken Ham’s new book. The majority of our young people leave the church when they leave home and never return. Why? Because they were never taught how to defend their faith or how to deal with their doubts. What if we could change that? What if we could equip believers in every age and stage of life to boldly and effectively share the Good News and stand up for the truth of God’s Word instead of standing down when the Bible is under attack? The church no longer has home field advantage in the world. But we can still win and Ken Ham shows us how. ”
“ Western culture is consistently moving farther and farther from an understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In large part, this is due to the fact that many today do not have a foundational trust of the Bible. In Gospel Reset, Ken Ham builds the case for presenting the gospel from Genesis to reach this current generation. Every follower of Christ will benefit from reading this book. ”
“ In a culture becoming less and less Biblically literate, it is becoming increasingly important to give people the foundation that makes salvation necessary. Ken Ham does a great job showing how we can communicate God’s truth well in a post-Christian age. This book is a good read for anyone looking to refine the way they evangelize. ”
“ Our pastor got GOSPEL RESET, read the whole book and is on fire teaching his flock. Thank you so much!! Pastor D.B. says 'the most important subject he has ever preached.' ”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.