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Buddy Davis: I Want to Thank You, Jesus

Featuring Buddy Davis
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  • Format: MP3
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 37 minutes
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2019
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-6-673
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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I Want to Thank You, Jesus includes some of Buddy’s favorite old hymns, a couple of his most requested songs re-recorded, and two bonus songs from his new DVD.


The Old Rugged Cross, Count Your Blessings, and In the Sweet By and By, are songs I grew up on in church. There is so much teaching in the words of these old hymns. In this recording project, I included some of my favorites. I also included a few of my older songs which I get requests for. As a bonus, I am releasing two songs from my African DVD.”
—Buddy Davis

Listen to samples of each song from the album or order individual MP3s.

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Buddy Davis

Buddy Davis

Buddy Davis was a popular speaker, singer, songwriter, author, adventurer, and paleoartist with the Bible-upholding ministry of Answers in Genesis. Buddy sculpted about 70 dinosaur models, many of which are featured at AiG’s popular Creation Museum in N. Kentucky. He recorded more than a dozen CDs, performed numerous concerts at the Creation Museum, written several books, and produced several adventure videos now shown on the Answers TV streaming platform. After dealing with serious medical issues for three years, Buddy went home to the Lord in August 2024.

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