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The Bible Pocket Guide and Borderland Combo

List Price: $34.78
$31.99 Sale
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  • Format: Download Bundle
  • Dimensions:
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-3-508
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

These digital downloads are included:

  • Borderland (PDF - 49.5 MB)
    for any device with Adobe Reader.
  • The Bible Pocket Guide (EPUB - 8.9 MB)
    for iPad/iPhone, Android, Nook, and most other eBook readers.
  • The Bible Pocket Guide (MOBI - 0.71 MB)
    for Kindle.
  • The Bible Pocket Guide (PDF - 0.84 MB)
    for any device with Adobe Reader.

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The Pocket Guide to the Bible and Borderland: Israel in the Time of Jesus combo will provide you with resources that will give you a better understanding of the authority of the Bible and the culture in which it was written!

What’s Included $35 value

  • eBook Borderland: eBook

    Borderland: Israel in the Time of Jesus features all of the teaching from the Borderland exhibit at the Creation Museum, along with beautiful photographs, behind-the-scenes information, and more. Note: To help with the cost to ship this oversized book, an additional shipping charge of $2.50 per book will be added to your order total.

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  • eBook The Bible Pocket Guide: eBook

    Why are there 66 books in the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? Is the Bible enough? Are there contradictions? Is it time for a new reformation? Why is a biblical worldview important?

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